
Granny cannot walk on water

Wetlands at Reiser property, AB (Photo by NCC)

Wetlands at Reiser property, AB (Photo by NCC)

Early this September, I participated in a Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Conservation Volunteers (CV) event at the Reiser property, located approximately 115 kilometres southwest of Edmonton. I knew it would be a challenge, in part because of...

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The perfection of the morning redux: Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area

Morning sun shines on the grassy plains at OMB (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

Morning sun shines on the grassy plains at OMB (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

Getting up at 5 a.m. to catch the morning sun cast blinding rays across the grassy plains at Old Man on His Back (OMB), I stood in the receding darkness in awe of the sublime. There was no silence! The din of insects carried on. An occasional...

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A day at Sandy Point with NCC

Volunteers at Sandy Point CV event, St. George's, NL (photo by NCC)

Volunteers at Sandy Point CV event, St. George's, NL (photo by NCC)

It was a beautiful August morning as we waited excitedly on the wharf at St. George's for the search and rescue Zodiac that would take us across the narrow channel to Sandy Point. Along with Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff and other...

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Tin cans, a Mormon cricket and a UFO landing pad: One perspective on the Conservation Volunteers weekend at Old Man on His Back

Tin cans capping fence posts (Photo by Bill Armstrong)

Tin cans capping fence posts (Photo by Bill Armstrong)

I understand there are likely to be a couple more Land Line blogs about the recent Conservation Volunteers (CV) weekend at the (inhale) Old Man On His Back Prairie Heritage and Conservation Area (OMB) (exhale), so let me give you my take on the...

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O’Canada! Culture of the wilderness: A day at the NCC Nebo property

Overview of the Nebo property, SK (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

Overview of the Nebo property, SK (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

Nebo, some 70 kilometres due west of the city of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan is the largest and northernmost property recently acquired by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). This is an interesting acquisition, as it is located in the...

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O'piping plover where art thou?

Group shot at the Mather Lake census (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

Group shot at the Mather Lake census (Photo by Gail F. Chin)

2016 marks the 5th international census of the piping plover population. Recently, I joined the Saskatchewan chapter of the Nature Conservancy of Canada in a two-day count at Mather Lake and Shoe Lake West in an area of central southern...

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Wise seedling spree

Seedlings ready to be planted (Photo by NCC)

Seedlings ready to be planted (Photo by NCC)

When I went on to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) website and read over the Conservation Volunteers (CV) events, I noticed the Wise Seedling Spree. I had planted trees before when my son was in Cubs and Scouts. I registered myself for the...

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Deck the halls...With invasive species?

Conservation Volunteers at the Deck the Halls event, 2015 (Photo by Nick Tardiff)

Conservation Volunteers at the Deck the Halls event, 2015 (Photo by Nick Tardiff)

As typical Canadian Decembers go, this wasn’t one of them. The landscape at the Nature Conservancy of Canada's Rice Lake Plains property was shrouded in fog, without a snowflake in sight. The volunteers’ task for the day was to remove...

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Advocates for health!

Conservation Volunteers removing barbed wire to allow better passage for wildlife (Photo by Natalie Trofimencoff)

Conservation Volunteers removing barbed wire to allow better passage for wildlife (Photo by Natalie Trofimencoff)

On November 6, an eager group of Conservation Volunteers (CVs) was greeted by mild weather and sunshine at the Gray Property near Cooking Lake, Alberta, recently acquired by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). The goal was to remove the top...

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Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!

Group photo at Fishing Lake, ON (Photo by Nick Tardif)

Group photo at Fishing Lake, ON (Photo by Nick Tardif)

It was the Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign Conservation Volunteers event at The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Fishing Lake property in the Frontenac Arch Natural Area. We were there, on time, and rearing to go. There were six...

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