
Canada’s other rainforest

Wabanaki (Acadian) forest, Chignecto Isthmus, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Wabanaki (Acadian) forest, Chignecto Isthmus, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

The word “rainforest” evokes vivid images of a rich natural world. Many people think of the lush, misty jungles of the Amazon or Congo with thick vegetation. If you live in Canada, you might think about BC’s temperate...

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Ecotourism in Canada

Ecotourism offers experiences for people to discover and enjoy natural habitats. (Photo by Galyna Andrushko)

Ecotourism offers experiences for people to discover and enjoy natural habitats. (Photo by Galyna Andrushko)

As climate change becomes more of a reality, people are beginning to reconsider the ways in which they travel. Ecotourism, as many travellers already know, is a type of tourism that offers experiences for people to discover and enjoy natural...

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Conserving carbon sinks: A natural solution to climate change

Darkwoods mountains, BC (Photo by Bruce Kirkby)

Darkwoods mountains, BC (Photo by Bruce Kirkby)

In the global effort to fight climate change, forests, wetlands and grasslands are more and more being recognized for their important role in absorbing greenhouse gas emissions (i.e., carbon dioxide) and storing carbon over the long term....

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Pikas and their islands in the Rockies

American pika (Photo by Allison Haskell)

American pika (Photo by Allison Haskell)

What’s your favourite animal? It’s a common question for many of us with a fascination for wildlife and a passion for conserving the natural world around us. When I answer that my favourite species is American pika, some people are...

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Winter on the wet West Coast

Tow Hill, Haida Gwaii, BC (Photo by NCC)

Tow Hill, Haida Gwaii, BC (Photo by NCC)

When you picture winter, images of dripping mosses, lichens and ferns along with long, diffused yellow light rays dappling a lush vibrant green forest floor, combined with the playful cries of the bald eagle, may not be what come to mind. However,...

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Where are they now? Intern Alumni Spotlight: Sheena Briggs

Sheena Briggs (Photo courtesy of Sheena Briggs)

Sheena Briggs (Photo courtesy of Sheena Briggs)

This blog marks the fourth Alumni Spotlight, a series highlighting some of the individuals who have interned with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in the past. Last month, Josh Noseworthy was featured as the Alumni Spotlight, and this month...

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Get to know 10 of Canada’s most significant (and big!) natural areas

(Photo by iStock)

(Photo by iStock)

Large, intact natural areas are home to Canada’s most valuable ecosystems. These spaces are key to our quality of life. Canada’s forests, grasslands, wetlands and coastal areas absorb carbon dioxide, provide buffers for flooding,...

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Top 10 invasive species to stop this summer

Man fishing in New Brunswick (Photo by NCC)

Man fishing in New Brunswick (Photo by NCC)

Our Canadian summers are short and fleeting. Warm and sunny days are best spent enjoying the outdoors and connecting with nature. While you are out exploring nature’s wonders, you can also help control the spread of invasive...

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Emblems of Canada: bird edition

Blue jay (Photo by Gregg Williams)

Blue jay (Photo by Gregg Williams)

Right at our doorstep is one of the most fascinating and watched creatures in Canada: our flying feathered friends. There is nothing that says, or better yet, sings nature than the sound of birds. While many birds call Canada home year-round, our...

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Sharks? In Canada?

Great white shark (Photo by Terry Goss/Wikimedia Commons)

Great white shark (Photo by Terry Goss/Wikimedia Commons)

Do you really know what’s swimming in Canada’s oceans? When most people think of sharks, they usually associate them with tropical environments. However, you may be surprised to learn that Canada’s oceans have a great diversity...

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