
Garlic: The forbidden fruit? (Part Two)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Part One of this blog was an overview of garlic, and the native variety growing in the Eastern Townships and Outaouais regions in Quebec. In Part Two I present you with a little garlic 101! The minimum threshold for a wild garlic population to...

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Garlic: The forbidden fruit? (Part One)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Picture this: the aroma of fresh garlic bread coming out of the oven to accompany your pasta dish. Garlic oil in salad dressing to top off your garden vegetables. A plant of many uses, of many medicinal properties and a kitchen staple, garlic is...

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Something's Fishy: The legendary lamprey

<i>The Lamprey, 2. The Pride</i>, 1866 (Illustration by Robert Hamilton)

The Lamprey, 2. The Pride, 1866 (Illustration by Robert Hamilton)

Anyone who knows me could tell you I’m really into folklore. Fairy tales, spooky stories and legendary accounts of people, places and mystical things have intrigued me for as long as I can remember. I'm also really into fish. So if there is...

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Something's Fishy: All about that bass

Largemouth bass (Photo by Trisha M. Shears)

Largemouth bass (Photo by Trisha M. Shears)

When I think of Canada's rich history, I like to look back at all of the knick-knacks in my grandparent's house. Their old two-story home in Oshawa, Ontario served as my own personal museum. Old books, leather crafts from my grandfather’s...

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Something's Fishy: Picking on pike

Northern pike (Photo by Dirk Godlinski)

Northern pike (Photo by Dirk Godlinski)

There is a special day in every fisherman and -woman’s life where they reel in a fish that gives them a one-way ticket into the big players' club. Freshwater anglers across Canada dream of encountering these beasts, some adult species...

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Conserving Canada's natural capital

Lusicich, Crowsnest Pass, AB (Photo by NCC)

Lusicich, Crowsnest Pass, AB (Photo by NCC)

It might be hard to imagine that there's a close connection between my job as an economist at TD and my passion for the great outdoors — camping, hiking and canoeing being among my favourite pursuits. But there is. Over the past two years,...

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Le petit polatouche : mon animal canadien favori

Southern flying squirrel (Photo by Judy Frederick)

Southern flying squirrel (Photo by Judy Frederick)

Le petit polatouche est un mammifère nocturne, vivant au Québec et en Ontario, principalement autour des grands lacs. Petit rongeur semblable à l’écureuil, il est très à l’aise dans les arbres...

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Découverte d'une salamandre à quatre orteils sur une propriété nouvelle de CNC

Salamandre à quatre orteils (photo de Brian Gratwicke)

Salamandre à quatre orteils (photo de Brian Gratwicke)

Lors de la retraite d’équipe du Québec du 6 juin par un des sous-groupes formé de Joel Bonin, Julien Poisson, Carine Deland, Caroline Tanguay, Lucie Veillette, Marie-Andrée Tougas-Tellier et Gabrielle...

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