
Winter without central heat: How wildlife on the prairies survives

Three-flowered avens (Photo © Manitoba Museum)

Three-flowered avens (Photo © Manitoba Museum)

During frigid winter days I find myself marvelling at how wild plants and animals manage to survive the cold temperatures. As my current area of study involves flowering plants and their insect pollinators, these are the organisms that I will...

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Gratitude for Gaff Point: A winter hike

Gaff Point, NS (Photo by Amanda Cashin Photography)

Gaff Point, NS (Photo by Amanda Cashin Photography)

The natural undisturbed beauty of Nova Scotia is alluring for many. Visitors are drawn to the vast ocean views, long sandy beaches, and pristine forests. Yet on more than one occasion, when people arrive they are quick to cut down trees and build...

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My 2013 Christmas Bird Count story: Why I've become a regular CBC participant

Snowy owl (Photo by Chris Moncrieff)

Snowy owl (Photo by Chris Moncrieff)

There is a very cohesive feeling that comes with participating in a Christmas Bird Count. For more than 100 years, citizens across the Americas have been coming together between December 14 and January 5 to spy, spot, listen for, photograph and...

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Make it a habit to get outdoors, no matter what the weather!

Winter smile (Photo by Amanda Cashin Photography)

Winter smile (Photo by Amanda Cashin Photography)

So, it’s a little chilly? That’s no reason to stay indoors. I make it a point to stay connected with nature year round. In fact, I enjoy being outdoors for a hike more in the winter than in any other time of year. Here are my top 11...

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