Camp Morton North

A sunset on Lake Winnipeg (Photo by Anna English)
Help protect shoreline habitat along Lake Winnipeg!
This is your opportunity to make a difference for Lake Winnipeg and the people and other species who rely on its waters and shores!
The beautiful beaches and shallow warm waters of Lake Winnipeg are vulnerable to being lost. United, we can conserve a rare block of shoreline habitat, a 61-hectare property we are calling Camp Morton North. Located about 10 kilometres north of Gimli, Camp Morton North is one of the last remaining expanses of shoreline forest along the lake. Much of the eastern border is defined by sand and cobble beach, paired with mature forest of Trembling Aspen, Ash, White Spruce and Bur Oak. With your help, we can secure this priority conservation project, and double the amount of NCC protected lands in the area.
Adjacent to Camp Morton Provincial Park, this property contains crucial stopover habitat for migratory birds and bats, that breed along the shore of Lake Winnipeg. With only 5.9% of Lake Winnipeg’s western shorelines south of Hecla Provincial Park currently conserved, your donation will help us save the natural area that these birds and many other threatened species call home. With your help, we can ensure that future generations of birdwatchers and beachgoers will enjoy the sandy shores and forests of Camp Morton North for many years to come.
"Many people have a deep connection to Lake Winnipeg, and we are very excited to conserve this area along the shoreline of the lake. This project represents an increasingly rare opportunity for conservation in the area, and we all can play a part in helping Lake Winnipeg. By conserving the natural integrity of this property, which expands on the corridor of natural lands found on the adjacent Camp Morton Provincial Park, we can ensure that future generations enjoy the lake and land.” - Tim Teetaert, Natural Area Manager, Nature Conservancy of Canada
Quick facts
Location: Gimli, Manitoba
Habitat Type: Lakeshore, beaches, and mixed forest
Funding required: $1,397,000
What we do next, matters more than ever
This is an opportunity to leave a natural legacy for future generations.
We know the power of coming together is what allows us to create real, tangible change. At the Nature Conservancy of Canada, we are doers. Changemakers. Collaborators.
And together, we can protect nature and champion it's amazing ability to care for people and communities. So, let us unite to conserve and care for Camp Morton North.
Because when nature thrives, we thrive.
Donations may be pledged over time and made by cash, credit card, cheque, or securities transfer. All or a portion of your gift may be committed to our stewardship endowment fund, which helps to ensure the long-term care and management of NCC’s properties. Up to 20% of your gift may support activities that advance NCC’s mission.