Fairy Hill South 3

Conservation Volunteers Bioblitz, Fairy Hill South, Saskatchewan (Photo by NCC)
About Fairy Hill South 3
- Located in the Moist Mixed Grassland Ecoregion, which contains diverse plant and animal species.
- About 36 km north of Regina or 14 km south of Southey in RM of Longlaketon #219. Fairy Hill South 3 is part of NCC's Fairy Hill complex, just east of Highway #6 along the Upper Qu'Appelle River valley.
- 65 hectares (161 acres) of prairie grasslands, aspen woodlands, lowlands and seasonal wetlands, all part of the Upper Qu'Appelle Natural Area.
- Threats to long-term conservation: Habitat loss and fragmention due to residential and commercial development, cultivation, invasive species, intensive grazing.
- Provides habitat for many mammals, waterfowl and grassland birds.
Species that may be viewed here:
- Sprague's pipit
- northern leopard frog
- American white pelican
- Baird's sparrow
- common nighthawk
- downy woodpecker
- great blue heron
- sandhill crane
- bigmouth buffalo fish
- green ash
- eastern cottonwood
- northern snowberry
- Geyer's onion
- Assiniboia sedge
- low milkvetch
- small-flowered grass-of-parnassus
- porcupine sedge
- Berchtold's pondweed
- least mousetail
- yellow rail
- blunt-leaved yellow-cress
- yellow touch-me-not
- See NCC's species list for the Moist Mixed Grassland Ecoregion.
This list contains all species viewed and recorded by NCC in Saskatchewan's Moist Mixed Grassland Ecoregion. How many of these species have you seen here? (Use the species list to keep track!)
Please note:
- NCC permits foot access only.
- Leave gates closed, fences intact.
- Enter this property at your own risk. Beware of livestock.
- Keep memories and only take photos. Do not litter or dispose of garbage here.
Contact NCC or call 1.866.622.7275 to:
- Lease this area for livestock grazing.
- Hunt on this property.
- Learn more about NCC's work in Saskatchewan.
- Contribute to NCC's conservation work in Saskatchewan.
- Donate to NCC's conservation work in Saskatchewan.
Partners, Fairy Hill South 3:
- Environment Canada: Natural Area Conservation Plan
- Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Environment: Go Green Fund
- Lloyd and Janet Sauer
- The Potter Family Foundation
- Tony Paine
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is a not-for-profit, private land conservation organization, protecting ecologically significant natural lands and the species they sustain. NCC works with individuals, corporations, foundations, governments and communities to protect this living heritage for future generations to enjoy.