Enchantment Valley, BC (Photo by NCC)

Enchantment Valley, BC (Photo by NCC)

Subalpine forest

Enchantment Valley, BC (Photo by NCC)

Enchantment Valley, BC (Photo by NCC)

Stretching through the uplands (above 1,200 metres) of British Columbia and Alberta, the subalpine forest region features a cooler climate, shorter growing season and longer winters. Avalanches play an important role in this forest’s diversity and disturbance.

Mammals such as pine marten, mountain caribou and American pika make use of habitats in this forest region.


What trees are found in the subalpine forest?

The subalpine forest here is dominated by coniferous trees that include:

  • Engelmann spruce
  • lodgepole pine
  • subalpine fir

What is NCC doing to help protect this forest?

In 2003, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) protected Enchantment. This 122-hectare project is located in the headwaters of the Ottarasko Creek in the Niut Range, near the southwest end of Tatlayoko Lake. The flat-bottomed valley provides excellent high-elevation habitat for old-growth forests. It also boasts wet meadow and fen ecosystems.

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