Conway Sandhills, PEI (Photo by John Sylvester)

Conway Sandhills, PEI (Photo by John Sylvester)

Gifts of Land

Lisa Wielinga, Regional Support Coordinator (Photo courtesy Lisa Wielinga)

Lisa Wielinga, Regional Support Coordinator (Photo courtesy Lisa Wielinga)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the only national organization dedicated to preserving Canadian biodiversity through the conservation of land. Much of our success can be attributed to the visionary landowners we work with and their knowledge and commitment to the land.

NCC accepts donations of land.

Prior to receiving the gift, your land will require assessment to determine whether it fits within our programs and science-based conservation priorities.

Landowner options

A wide variety of tools is available for landowners interested in the conservation of private lands. We will work with you to identify the best tool for your situation, including:

•    Donating land for conservation
•    Donating land through your estate
•    Selling land for conservation
•    Retaining a life interest after donating or selling land
•    Split receipting
•    Donating or selling a conservation agreement

Ecological Gifts Program

Donations of land and conservation agreements to the Nature Conservancy of Canada may also qualify as an ecogift by Environment Canada. This federal program provides extra tax benefits to the landowners who wish to donate ecologically significant land.

Benefits of an ecogift

  • The capital gain taxes on disposition of the land is eliminated.
  • The tax credit/deduction for the value of the land can be applied to 100 per cent of the annual taxable income as well as carried forward up to 10 years.

Before arranging a gift of land, please contact an NCC Regional office near you or call 1-877-231-3552.

If you are an American citizen who owns land in Canada, you can find information regarding the donation of your land, here.


The information provided on these pages is general in nature and not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. NCC strongly suggests that before making any decision concerning your estate and your charitable donations, you seek advice from your lawyer and financial advisor.

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