
There and back again: A journey for our feathered friends

Yellow warbler (Photo by Sean Feagan/ NCC staff)

Yellow warbler (Photo by Sean Feagan/ NCC staff)

Every year, millions of birds travel incredible distances between their summer and winter homes.

Have you noticed more birdsong and bird activity in your area lately?

Right now, the spring migration is underway, as birds launch marathon journeys across North America to reach their breeding grounds.



The four major flyways (Pacific (purple), Central (green), Mississippi (orange), Atlantic (blue))

The four major flyways (Pacific (purple), Central (green), Mississippi (orange), Atlantic (blue))

Each population takes a unique route, but these many paths converge into four major migration flyways — like highways in the sky. While you go on with your day, or are tucked up in bed, the migration continues, often unseen, around us.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) works in many of the areas that migratory birds use to refuel and rest before continuing to their destination further north. And some end up staying to breed and raise their young.

Fly over to this interactive story map and learn about a few of our projects and the habitats that sustain bird life >

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