Nature Conservancy of Canada and Parks Canada Partnership

Yarrow Creek Ranch, AB (Photo by Brent Calver)
National parks in Canada represent some of the country’s most wonderous natural spaces that teem with a diversity of plants, animals and awe-inspiring landscapes for everyone to explore and enjoy.
Yet, as vast as they are, they are not immune from the impacts of climate change and human development, which threaten to degrade the parks' important ecosystems and reduce the biodiversity they support.
To protect these places and the benefits they offer to species and communities alike, we need to ensure that they can thrive in a changing world. We do this by protecting nearby natural spaces from further human development, and by managing nearby lands to help them better respond to the effects of climate change.
Working toward resilient landscapes
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada have partnered to identify and conserve strategic natural areas surrounding some of the national parks across Canada. These efforts will help ensure that animals can move through the ecosystems they depend on and that natural processes like pollination and the water cycle can continue to support nature and communities.
NCC is raising $15 million to match Parks Canada’s contribution.
Through this program, NCC is working with Indigenous Nations, local communities, property owners and other partners to ensure the future of some of the most iconic landscapes in Canada. Together, we can protect the natural systems that sustain us.
Stories of resilience

New conservation area next to Kootenay National Park a boon for grizzlies and other wide-ranging animals
Conserving lands adjacent to parks and other protected areas builds a bigger buffer for wildlife and habitat resiliency.Read more»

New conservation area connects people and nature in the Mauricie region
Find out how a newly protected wildlife crossing near La Mauricie National Park is helping at-risk wood turtles thrive and move safely between habitats.Read more»

Resilient, connected landscapes will counter effects of climate change and biodiversity loss
Find out how this $30-million effort is helping to accelerate the conservation of areas around national parks in Canada. Read more»

Nature knows no bounds
Get to know some of the natural areas around national parks. Read more»

What does impactful, long-term conservation look like?
Learn about the guiding principles that help focus conservation efforts to achieve the greatest impact. Read more»