Turkey vulture flying over Gates Creek (Photo by Fernando Lessa)

Turkey vulture flying over Gates Creek (Photo by Fernando Lessa)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment Statement

Listen. Learn. Adapt.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) leads and inspires people to create a legacy for future generations by conserving important natural areas and biological diversity across all regions of Canada. With nature, we build a thriving world.

We strive for bold conservation achievements in which equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are the norm. Consistent with our core values of empowerment and collaboration, we aim to cultivate trust through openness, and celebrate and encourage the full participation of people from diverse backgrounds.

As part of our continuous commitment to promote a healthy planet, healthy communities and healthy people, we acknowledge the need for equity, diversity and inclusion in our society, our sector and our organization. At NCC we believe that nature needs to be accessible to everyone, and we recognize that this is not yet the case.

We must be intentional in how we learn about and engage with people from underrepresented groups in our organization and in our work.

We are committed to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples through building ethical space and creating meaningful relationships with Indigenous Nations and communities. Furthermore, we acknowledge the importance of Indigenous-led conservation and support Indigenous-led efforts to conserve and steward their traditional territories.

We know that advancing equity, diversity and inclusion won't always be straightforward, and that it will take personal and professional perseverance, humility and honesty. However, our collective efforts will continue to have an impact. These efforts will take time and are not intended as a quick fix, but as a long-term journey. Through this journey we will keep learning. The advice, knowledge and experiences of others will help inform our actions.

At NCC, we commit to listening, learning and adapting. We are confident that this journey will not only promote equity, diversity and inclusion, but will also accelerate conservation for the benefit of nature and people.

Our commitment

Fostering EDI is not a short-term effort, but rather a long-term journey that requires commitment and collaboration with our leaders, employees, partners and community.

Our work is grounded in the following three principles:

Inside out approach

We will focus on cultivating an inclusive culture. Instead of focusing only on how we diversify, we will reflect on how we become the kind of organization where people from marginalized communities want to work. Prioritizing a welcoming and inclusive culture internally will position us well for attracting and retaining diverse talent, as well as forging sustainable relationships with marginalized communities in the future.

Change starts from the top

We will ensure that leadership in the organization has the training required to develop the understanding, confidence and literacy to deal with topics of equity, diversity and inclusion. Culture is defined by our values, beliefs and behaviours. Leadership has influence in shaping that culture. If leaders demonstrate commitment, humility, curiosity and courage in this area, NCC will progress on this journey.

A learning organization

We commit to an ongoing process of exploring new approaches and continuously learning about equity, diversity and inclusion. We will actively seek feedback and embrace different perspectives and ways of knowing to remove barriers for marginalized groups to take part in conservation.

For information on NCC’s equity, diversity and inclusion strategy, please contact Michael Paskewitz, director, president’s office.

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