Rice Lake Plains, ON; Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio

Rice Lake Plains, ON; Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio

Nature Legacy Society Brunch

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October 18, 2023

Toronto, Ontario

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Ontario Science Centre

Join us for a cup of coffee and get an exclusive look into Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) work for the UN’s Decade of Restoration. Ecosystem restoration is critical to limiting global warming to below 1.5°C. Restoration could remove up to an estimated 28 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere through carbon sequestration and storage. And we’re not just talking about forests. Grasslands and wetlands also sequester an incredible amount of CO2. 

Hear from our experts in the field on how we’re reviving ecosystems to help combat these crises, whether it’s wetland restoration on Pelee Island, tallgrass prairie restoration at Rice Lake Plains or invasive species management at on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula.

Please note, this is an exclusive event for our Nature Legacy Society members. If you are interested in becoming a member, visit our planned giving webpage for more information.



Please email events@natureconservancy.ca.

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