A caring nature
Bill Armstrong (Photo by Robert Berdan)
NCC monthly donor Bill Armstrong is always happy to help nature as one of NCC’s Conservation Volunteers
One item I always take — wear, actually — to a Conservation Volunteers (CV) event is my Unpaid Intern T-shirt. I’ve found that the shirt elicits a chuckle or two; a way of loosening things up with the other volunteers, many of whom I’ve not met before.
One of the things I enjoy most about CV events is meeting the real (paid) interns working for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) for the summer. These young people are studying subjects that likely didn’t exist when I attended university, and it’s a tonic to hear about their love of nature and their determination to contribute to nature conservation through their chosen field of study. It gives me hope knowing that the names of these interns will pop up again in the future, either as full-time NCC staffers, or in other positions where they are making a difference for nature.
This story first appeared in the summer 2019 issue of the Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine. Donors who contribute at least $25 or more per year will receive four issues of the magazine.