Salmonier River on the Avalon Peninsula (Photo by M. Dembeck)

Salmonier River on the Avalon Peninsula (Photo by M. Dembeck)

Our Partners

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) engages people and communities to achieve tangible results across Newfoundland and Labrador. Partnership is at the heart of these conservation successes. Our partners include landowners, foundations, corporations, governments, universities, other conservation organizations and individuals.

We are grateful to our partners who have been with us year after year, sharing our passion and vision for a natural Canada. Thank you for you support.

The partners listed below represent those groups that have an ongoing involvement in NCC’s work.

A complete list of NCC donors and partners can be found in our annual report.

Corporate partners

  • Alderon Iron Ore Corp.
  • Coordinates Capital Corporation
  • Crosbie Group
  • ExxonMobil Canada Ltd.
  • Hillview Terrace Suites
  • Huskey Energy
  • Marine Atlantic
  • Mountain Equipment Co-op
  • Nalcor Energy
  • NLCU Charitable Foundation
  • Patten Family Foundation
  • Redpoll Foundation
  • Sea Fair Capital Inc.
  • TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
  • TD Forests Program
  • The Keg
  • Vale

Science and stewardship partners

Every year dozens of groups get engaged with us out on the land. These partners help advance our mission of being an active contributor to conservation science and stewardship in this region.

  • Codroy Valley Area Development Association


Our conservation properties often serve as "living laboratories" for conservation research. These partners have worked with us over the years to build the conservation communities body of knowledge in this province.

  • Memorial University of Newfoundland


While most of our work takes place on private land, we still work closely with levels of government to manage our lands and support the conservation management priorities.

  • Environment Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service
  • Environment Canada (Environmental Damages Fund Project)
  • Municipality of the District of Digby
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Conservation
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources (Mines)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  • Parks Canada
  • Town of Torbay

Conservation and environmental groups

Many different groups are working in Newfoundland and Labrador for a common conservation goal. It is our privilege to join forces with these local groups and other provincial conservation organizations to pool our resources for the benefit of our natural heritage.

  • Eastern Habitat Joint Venture
  • Humber Valley Natural History Society
  • Intervale
  • Limestone Barrens Recovery Team
  • Marine Mountain Zone Corporation
  • Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Network
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Piping Plover Working Group
  • Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team
  • Pippy Park Commission

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