The fall colours of Abram-Village (Photo by Sean Landsman)

The fall colours of Abram-Village (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Haldimand River Nature Reserve

Haldimand River Nature Reserve (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Haldimand River Nature Reserve (Photo by Sean Landsman)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC’s) 145-hectare in Haldimand River, west of Summerside, surrounds one of Prince Edward Island’s most impressive and undisturbed salt marshes.

The Haldimand River Nature Reserve is a birder’s dream. Common tern, bald eagle, great blue heron, cedar waxwing, willet and even the rare Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrow can all be seen on the mud flats or heard calling from the wetlands.

The salt marsh needs further protection, and NCC is working on it! By supporting this conservation project, you are helping increase the overall protected area on the Island, ensuring local and visiting wildlife will always have salt marsh habitat in Egmont Bay and creating a natural legacy for future generations.

To donate to this project, please click here and choose PEI from the drop-down menu and type in Haldimand River. Thank you.

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