Wideview is in southwest Saskatchewan in the Milk River Basin area. (Photo by NCC)

Wideview is in southwest Saskatchewan in the Milk River Basin area. (Photo by NCC)

Wideview Complex

NCC's Dale Gross looks out across the land at the Wideview property. (Photo by NCC)

NCC's Dale Gross looks out across the land at the Wideview property. (Photo by NCC)

The Wideview Complex sits between the east and west blocks of Grasslands National Park and is a part of beautiful southwest Saskatchewan. It sits in the ecologically significant Milk River Basin area. The sites cover 1,222 hectares (3,021 acres) of rolling hills and native-dominant grasslands.

Thanks to its former conservation-minded landowners, Melanie and Kenneth Alexander, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) was able to purchase this property and ensure it is conserved for the long term.

“Southwest Saskatchewan has a special place in the hearts of the people of this province, and for good reason,” said NCC’s regional vice-president, Jennifer McKillop. “The Milk River Basin is an area where ranchers have maintained a productive habitat for several species at risk for generations, and the securement of the Wideview Complex means future generations will be able to continue to enjoy this area. People can head to the property to hike the rolling hills and experience the beautiful views, plants and wildlife.”

Notable species

The Wideview Complex provides habitat for species at risk. This includes the greater sage-grouse (endangered), Sprague’s pipit, ferruginous hawk, chestnut-collared longspur (all threatened) and northern leopard frog (special concern). The Milk River Basin is also known for being habitat for the endangered burrowing owl and threatened swift fox.


There are proud partners involved in this project. Various private and individual contributors have dedicated funds toward the purchase of this property. We want to especially recognize support from Environment and Climate Change Canada, through its Natural Areas Conservation Program, and the Province of Saskatchewan, through its Fish and Wildlife Development Fund.

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Come visit Wideview:

Wideview Complex map

   Click the image to enlarge

Driving directions from Mankota:

  • Travel south for 1.3 kilometres.
  • Turn west and drive 1.6 kilometres.
  • Turn south and drive 3.2 kilometres.
  • Turn west and drive 1.6 kilometres.
  • Turn south and drive 17 Kilometres.
  • Turn west and drive 1.6 kilometres. The road will bend west for 1.6 kilometres and then bend south.
  • In 4.5 kilometres you will be at the property, marked by an NCC sign.

(See map on right.)

(Disclaimer: All visitors to NCC properties do so at their own risk.)


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