Bison roaming at Old Man on His Back Property, SK (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Bison roaming at Old Man on His Back Property, SK (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area

Evening sky at Old Man on His Back Ranch, SK (Photo by Branimir Gjetvaj)

Evening sky at Old Man on His Back Ranch, SK (Photo by Branimir Gjetvaj)

Size: 5,297 hectares (13,088 acres)

Location: Located in the RM of Frontier, 15 kilometres west of Claydon and 210 kilometres southwest of Swift Current.

Directions: From Regina, take Highway 1 west until Highway 37. Turn south and travel until you reach Highway 18 and turn right (west) onto it. Once you reach the village of Claydon, continue to travel west, even though Highway 18 turns south. The Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area (OMB) starts once the Texas gates are crossed. The interpretive centre is about 7 kilometres further down the road. Be careful along this road as plains bison may be in the field. (For more detail, see map).

Map with driving directions

(Click here to enlarge)

Significance: The OMB has a herd of plains bison roaming through it. It is a semi-arid grassland. Many other species have been spotted here too, such as the swift fox, burrowing owl, Sprague's pipit and herds of pronghorn. Numerous teepee rings are also spread throughout the property.

Possible tasks: Adding to species list, pulling and bagging weeds such as bull thistle, clean-up of old yard site and keeping an eye out for loose animals, broken fences and prairie fires.

Click here to learn more about our OMB properties.

Disclaimer: All visitors to NCC properties do so at their own risk.

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