Burrowing owls (Photo by Don Dabbs)

Burrowing owls (Photo by Don Dabbs)

Conservation 101

  • NCC reptile and amphibian technician, Louis Gagnon, records data during field variations of species at risk habitat models (Photo by NCC)
    Field journals in conservation 101

    Field journals are used to take notes about a specific species, habitat or environment. These notes are used as a documentation for scientists to reference when evaluating an area of conservation.
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  • Vista from Flathead River Ranch, British Columbia (Photo by NCC)
    Fresh water 101

    The diversity of freshwater organisms across Canada is a reflection of the diversity of the river and lake ecosystems that are found here. Yet surprisingly, there exists no established freshwater ecosystem classification.
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  • Mount Burnt property, Northern Green Mountains, QC (Photo by Appalachian Corridor)
    Gaspé Peninsula and Appalachian Mountains 101

    The Appalachian Mountains extend from the state of Georgia through Quebec’s Gaspé Peninsula and New Brunswick.
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  • Maude Benny, former GIS & conservation data analyst (Photo by NCC)
    GIS in conservation 101

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a computer-based tool for gathering, managing, and analyzing data.
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  • Foothills fescue grasslands, AB (Photo by Leta Pezderic)
    Grasslands 101

    Around the world, large areas of grasslands are often found in the interior of continents, where there is not enough rain and snowfall to support trees.
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  • Marking a monitoring plot, Ellerslie Lake, British Columbia (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)
    How does NCC calculate the value of the land?

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) only acquires properties from willing landowners. When acquiring lands for conservation purposes, NCC must compete on the open market against other interests, such as farming, forestry or development.
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  • Carolinian forest. (Photo by Jody Allair)
    Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 101

    Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) are areas of land or water set aside by BirdLife International because they support habitat for birds that are at-risk or have large seasonal concentrations.
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  • Dog-strangling vine (Photo by Couchiching Conservancy)
    Invasive species 101

    Invasive species are plants, animals and other organisms that are not native to an area but have been introduced to it, either intentionally or by other means.
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  • Hikers at Darkwoods, BC (Photo by NCC)
    Land use

    Access on lands owned or held under conservation agreement (easement/covenant/servitude) by NCC
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  • Bufflehead duck (Photo by Karol Dabbs)
    Migratory Bird Sanctuaries 101

    Migratory Bird Sanctuaries are areas that occur only in Canada and are managed by the Canadian Wildlife Service.
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