Pasqua Lake property (Photo by Jason Bantle)

Pasqua Lake property (Photo by Jason Bantle)

Pasqua Lake

Coyote pups at Pasqua Lake (Photo by Jason Bantle)

Coyote pups at Pasqua Lake (Photo by Jason Bantle)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC's) Pasqua Lake property is located 75 kilometres northeast of Regina and just upstream of Pasqua Lake. The property is within the Aspen Parkland ecoregion, an area of national importance due to its high biodiversity. The 113-hectare (280-acre) property protects the marshes upstream of the lake as well as the trees and grasslands that filter the water, which help clean the lake’s water.

Aspen Parklands

Aspen Parklands are ecologically significant as they represent the transition from open grasslands to true forest. They provide habitat for iconic Canadian wildlife, such as moose, deer, beaver, red fox and many migratory birds. Bald eagle can be seen here, as well as several species listed under Canada's Species at Risk Act, such as Baird’s sparrow (special concern), Sprague’s pipit (threatened) and bobolink (threatened). Aspen Parklands are also a draw for vacationers, and this site will protect the Pasqua Lake area that so many enjoy for recreation.

Threats to sustaining this natural area include habitat loss and fragmentation caused by encroaching invasive plant species and land conversion.

“Walking through the Pasqua Lake property feels like taking a step back in time. You can stand still in the valley and admire wildflowers and songbirds and the rolling landscape. This natural transition allows for a great diversity of wildlife to exist within the area. As a charitable organization, NCC’s work couldn’t be done without the support of our donors. Our donors and partners help NCC ensure that our natural spaces, and the species they sustain, are protected.” - Cameron Wood, NCC’s director of conservation in Saskatchewan

Drone footage of this property

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