Mark Tempset (Photo by NCC)

Mark Tempset (Photo by NCC)

Mark Tempest

Conservation Volunteer

There’s a saying that many hands make light work. This is important in conservation, and at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), where we rely on our dedicated volunteers to help us accomplish important stewardship tasks.

Mark Tempest is a great example of an incredibly committed individual who has donated his time and efforts to help the environment through NCC’s Conservation Volunteers (CV) program. He lives in Edmonton, and works with and supports many different conservation and environmental organizations near him.

Since 2011, NCC has been fortunate enough to have Mark as a volunteer, and he has come out to more than 30 events!

There are many conservation and environmental organizations doing invaluable work. Mark has found that working with NCC offered him something different and useful: he enjoys the CV program because of the learning and hands-on skills he develops when out at events. The natural areas where NCC operates and the properties that NCC conserves have a wide range of animal and plant species, and a rich history when it comes to the land.

“I like hiking, birding, photography and, when it’s wet or winter, reading.” Mark says. Volunteering takes up a lot of his free time, and he likes how helping keeps him busy. Work that gets him outside and volunteering in local natural areas are his favourite.

Mark has always felt a connection to and an interest in the outdoors. From growing up on an acreage out in the UK countryside, he learned that you have to make your own fun outdoors. Whether it was climbing trees, following birds that caught his eye or exploring, there was always something to do in nature.

When he moved to Edmonton 30 years ago, that curiosity and love for the environment came with him. Getting outside to spend time in nature throughout the year and making sure to enjoy each season and the changes it brings is important to Mark. In particular, he likes to help with organizations that focus on conserving the land and natural areas around where he lives.

Volunteering with NCC and other environmental and conservation organizations is Mark’s way of contributing to the bigger picture of conservation, and helping protect the place he calls home.

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