
East Parklands

Bobolink (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Bobolink (Photo by Bill Hubick)

The East Parklands Natural Area in southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba is home to many animals, fish and amphibians.

Adjacent to the aspen parkland region, the east parklands habitat consists largely of bur oak. This provides great habitat for mammals like Richardson’s ground squirrel, cougar, American black bear and raccoon.

Grassland birds and breeding waterfowl also frequent this area, including:

  • endangered piping plover
  • Baird’s sparrow
  • Sprague’s pipit
  • American white pelican
  • bobolink
  • bald eagle
  • cedar waxwing
  • Franklin’s gull
  • great horned owl

Threats to sustaining this natural area include:

  • habitat loss and fragmentation caused by invasive plant species
  • cultivation and intensive livestock grazing
  • residential or commercial development

Invasive plants are also a threat to native species.

In the East Parklands Natural Area of Saskatchewan NCC is:

  • conserving corridors of wildlife habitat between the aspen forest and the bur oak aspen woodlands and river corridors;
  • protecting native species habitat, including for species at risk, through land purchase and ongoing land stewardship;
  • promoting stewardship by monitoring lands under conservation agreement with landowners and lands owned by or donated to NCC in Saskatchewan; and
  • forging partnerships with conservation agencies and conservation-minded landowners in the area.

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