
Roots of conservation: A legacy of land and learning

Willson property forest (Photo by NCC)

Willson property forest (Photo by NCC)

Thanks to Phil and Kay Willson’s great generosity, a conservation agreement on their land, in the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood, Saskatchewan, was donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in August 2024. A conservation agreement...

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The buzz about bees: The vital role of Prairie grasslands in bee conservation

Bumble bee on Wood’s rose, SK- Jason Bantle

Bumble bee on Wood’s rose, SK- Jason Bantle

Bees, like many other pollinators, are a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunately, these cute critters face numerous threats, including habitat loss, climate change, disease and poisoning. As a result, many bee species, such as western bumble...

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Sanderlings flock to Mackie Ranch

Sanderlings (Photo by Jason bantle)

Sanderlings (Photo by Jason bantle)

For the last blog of my internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I chose to write about adorable birds that spend a lot of time in the sand: sanderlings. In fact, a flock of sanderlings is called a grain, which is a perfect name for...

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Cave Pasture: A hoppy haven

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

As the 2023 communications and engagement intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan, I get to showcase different species and conservation properties that NCC is taking care of. The Cave Pasture property is the most recent...

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Champions of conservation: landowners’ commitment to nature

From left to right: Clint Blyth, Anja Sorensen (NCC staff) and Jody Blyth (Photo by Emily Schulte/NCC staff)

From left to right: Clint Blyth, Anja Sorensen (NCC staff) and Jody Blyth (Photo by Emily Schulte/NCC staff)

Landowners Clint and Jody Blyth made the 2023 Pipestone Creek Bioblitz (held on June 13) possible. It was a great opportunity for people to learn about conservation and the Blyths’ partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). I...

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Owl hands on deck: Efforts to conserve burrowing owls

Burrowing owl (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Burrowing owl (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

As a communications and engagement intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan, I have the opportunity to write and share stories about unique species and I thought writing about burrowing owls would be a hoot! It’s an...

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The fun-sized swift fox

Swift fox (Photo by RJ Dudragne/ NCC staff)

Swift fox (Photo by RJ Dudragne/ NCC staff)

My name is Emily, and I am the 2023 communications and engagement summer intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan. As part of my job, I get to write stories for Land Lines, NCC’s blog. For my first assignment, I...

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