
Birders of a feather: Ethical wildlife photography

Common Yellowthroat,ON (Photo by Gen Pintel)

Common Yellowthroat,ON (Photo by Gen Pintel)

Over the past six years, birding and bird photography have become outlets for me to connect with nature. These pursuits also connect me with others, especially those who get just as excited as me when they come across a blackburnian warbler,...

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Big Backyard BioBlitz: Snapshots and sound bites to help nature

Big Backyard BioBlitz (Photo by Kontakt)

Big Backyard BioBlitz (Photo by Kontakt)

Just like nature, community science has room for everyone, from the eagle-eyed expert to the newly hatched naturalist. And your contributions can help scientists and conservation organizations like the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)....

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Prince Edward Island: A bird’s-eye view

Blooming Point Nature Reserve, PEI (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Blooming Point Nature Reserve, PEI (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

A popular destination for both people and birds, Prince Edward Island is a natural treasure in Atlantic Canada. The small island (5,620 km2) is one of the most densely populated provinces in the country. The island holds historical and natural...

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Sharing a quiet forest with a Canada lynx

Canada lynx (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Canada lynx (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Sitting for hours inside a cramped, cold blind waiting for wildlife doesn't sound exciting — but it is. Being able to observe animals in their natural surroundings isn't just a thrill, it's a passion, and one that doesn't come easy and is...

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Adventures in elk country: Exploring conservation, wildlife and nature

Elk at Lockerby, AB (Photo by NCC)

Elk at Lockerby, AB (Photo by NCC)

As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation intern in the Red Deer River this past summer, I assisted in monitoring more than 35 properties in central Alberta. A critical aspect of monitoring involves making species...

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A close encounter like no otter

Two river otters peeping their heads above the water (Photo by Nila Sivatheesan/NCC staff)

Two river otters peeping their heads above the water (Photo by Nila Sivatheesan/NCC staff)

Walking through fields of wildflowers and towering trees is an incredible feeling. It reminds me that there’s so much more to this life than just me and my bubble. It’s a humbling feeling. But what’s even more incredible is...

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How I spent my summer helping conserve species at risk in the Prairies

Hare-footed locoweed (Photo by Kayleigh Weaver/NCC staff)

Hare-footed locoweed (Photo by Kayleigh Weaver/NCC staff)

This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to work with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as a conservation intern in southern Alberta. I spent most of my time working in the Milk River Ridge Natural Area with my direct manager, but I also...

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Candid captures: Unveiling grassland wildlife secrets

Ferruginous hawk (Photo by NCC)

Ferruginous hawk (Photo by NCC)

Whether it’s the dense lodgepole pine forests of Cypress Hills or the rolling hills of the surrounding grasslands, southeast Alberta is a remarkable and unique region to work in and explore. As a conservation coordinator for the Nature...

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Striving for fluid human-wildlife coexistence

Pronghorn (Photo by NCC)

Pronghorn (Photo by NCC)

My name is Evan Mah and I am an ecological restoration technician as a part of the Next Generation Conservation Leaders program with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). My job often involves routine fence maintenance and adjustments; however,...

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A hidden paradise

Scarlet tanager seen during the 2023 Spring Song Bird Race (Photo by Jasmine Eagleden/NCC staff)

Scarlet tanager seen during the 2023 Spring Song Bird Race (Photo by Jasmine Eagleden/NCC staff)

It all started at a young age; I have always had a passion for all aspects of nature. I would spend hours outdoors exploring and discovering the animals and insects around me. When I had to be indoors, I loved watching Animal Planet and the...

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