
Toppling hurdles for turtles

Painted turtle nesting (Photo by Rod Steinacher)

Painted turtle nesting (Photo by Rod Steinacher)

I have always loved turtles. So, when my first task as an intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in midwestern Ontario was to conduct turtle surveys across the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula on Lake Huron, I got excited. One of the things I...

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Experiencing Canada’s prairie grasslands for the first time

Tall grass prairie in Manitoba (Photo by Jessica Sánchez-Jasso)

Tall grass prairie in Manitoba (Photo by Jessica Sánchez-Jasso)

Colourful, surprising and full of life, grasslands of the Canadian Prairies are one of a kind. My first visit there deepened my passion for biology and reminded me why I fell in love with this field. From my earliest memories, I can recall...

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Prince Edward Island: A bird’s-eye view

Blooming Point Nature Reserve, PEI (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Blooming Point Nature Reserve, PEI (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

A popular destination for both people and birds, Prince Edward Island is a natural treasure in Atlantic Canada. The small island (5,620 km2) is one of the most densely populated provinces in the country. The island holds historical and natural...

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Spotting the spotted wintergreen: Research on rare woodland plants in Ontario

A tagged spotted wintergreen plant (Photo by Amy Wiedenfeld/NCC staff)

A tagged spotted wintergreen plant (Photo by Amy Wiedenfeld/NCC staff)

As summer approaches, I look forward to getting out into the field. This includes visiting many of the spotted wintergreen populations in Ontario for my PhD research, supported by the Weston Family Conservation Science Fellowship Program. Spotted...

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Black ash, beetles and beavers

Kayla, Olivia and Jen caging a black ash tree (Photo by Julia Ball/NCC)

Kayla, Olivia and Jen caging a black ash tree (Photo by Julia Ball/NCC)

By Julia Ball, Kayla Fisher and Olivia Lymburner Three of us, Julia Ball, Kayla Fisher and Olivia Lymburner, had the pleasure of being conservation interns with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Newfoundland and Labrador during the summer...

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How I spent my summer helping conserve species at risk in the Prairies

Hare-footed locoweed (Photo by Kayleigh Weaver/NCC staff)

Hare-footed locoweed (Photo by Kayleigh Weaver/NCC staff)

This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to work with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as a conservation intern in southern Alberta. I spent most of my time working in the Milk River Ridge Natural Area with my direct manager, but I also...

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Cave Pasture: A hoppy haven

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

As the 2023 communications and engagement intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan, I get to showcase different species and conservation properties that NCC is taking care of. The Cave Pasture property is the most recent...

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Owl hands on deck: Efforts to conserve burrowing owls

Burrowing owl (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Burrowing owl (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

As a communications and engagement intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan, I have the opportunity to write and share stories about unique species and I thought writing about burrowing owls would be a hoot! It’s an...

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The fun-sized swift fox

Swift fox (Photo by RJ Dudragne/ NCC staff)

Swift fox (Photo by RJ Dudragne/ NCC staff)

My name is Emily, and I am the 2023 communications and engagement summer intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan. As part of my job, I get to write stories for Land Lines, NCC’s blog. For my first assignment, I...

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A memorable dance at dawn

Sharp-tailed grouse on The Yarrow (Photo by Brian Keating)

Sharp-tailed grouse on The Yarrow (Photo by Brian Keating)

The sharp-tailed grouse dance at The Yarrow is one of many spellbinding natural displays observable at this special place. I’ve been lucky enough to visit The Yarrow, or the Fischer Ranch as it was previously known, more than a dozen times...

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