Restoring Waterways at Black Bay

Black Bay, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Costal Productions)
Growing up in Ontario, I have seen many diverse natural areas, but the North Shore of Lake Superior boasts the most beautiful landscapes and habitats I have ever experienced. And I am grateful to have helped protect and rehabilitate some of these...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Jeslyn Chantler

Jesyln Chantler, NCC Intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
The adrenaline rush from running fuels marathon runner Jeslyn Chantler — who is also the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) conservation intern for the Happy Valley Forest region, which is 50 minutes north of Toronto — to do...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Nicole Aronitz

Nicole Aronitz, NCC intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
Based on my xperience as the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) internal communications and culture intern the fellow conservation interns are lovely to chat with, as they share a genuine passion for conservation. Calgary-based intern...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Rishona Vemulapalli

Rishona Vemulapalli, NCC Intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
If I could summarize what I learned about Rishona from my conversations with her in three words, it would be that she is outdoorsy, self-driven and curious. Especially when it comes to her work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). It was a...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Aidan Curran

Aidan Curan NCC intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) internal communications and culture intern for two summers in a row, I am glad to be back to continue the summer intern profile series for 2024. I am excited to showcase the amazing work of...
Adventures in elk country: Exploring conservation, wildlife and nature

Elk at Lockerby, AB (Photo by NCC)
As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation intern in the Red Deer River this past summer, I assisted in monitoring more than 35 properties in central Alberta. A critical aspect of monitoring involves making species...
Sanderlings flock to Mackie Ranch

Sanderlings (Photo by Jason bantle)
For the last blog of my internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I chose to write about adorable birds that spend a lot of time in the sand: sanderlings. In fact, a flock of sanderlings is called a grain, which is a perfect name for...
Weeding out trouble: A summer as an invasive species sleuth

Hiking on the ridge to check on biocontrol releases (Photo by NCC)
This summer I had the incredible opportunity to work as an invasive species technician with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in the Waterton and Castle Crowsnest Natural Area. This remarkable area is known for its diverse landscapes and...
The swamp’s unlikely hero: a beetle

Purple loosestrife at Beaver Meadow wetland, ON. (Photo by Jen Arbeider/NCC staff)
When I first started as a conservation technician with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in May, I was very excited to observe unique species of plants and wildlife, as well as work in a diversity of habitats and make a difference in...
Black ash, beetles and beavers

Kayla, Olivia and Jen caging a black ash tree (Photo by Julia Ball/NCC)
By Julia Ball, Kayla Fisher and Olivia Lymburner Three of us, Julia Ball, Kayla Fisher and Olivia Lymburner, had the pleasure of being conservation interns with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Newfoundland and Labrador during the summer...