
A partnership building hope for communities and a thriving natural world

The Keyhole, NB (Photo by Brainworks)

The Keyhole, NB (Photo by Brainworks)

World Wetlands Day on February 2 is an opportunity to highlight the importance of wetlands and the value they provide. Canada is home to over a quarter of the world’s wetlands, and it is estimated that 70 per cent of wetlands in southern...

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Hands-on conservation

The best view you could ask for when taking a break for lunch, at Fyten Lea, AB (Photo by Taylor Glover/NCC Staff)

The best view you could ask for when taking a break for lunch, at Fyten Lea, AB (Photo by Taylor Glover/NCC Staff)

Conservation isn’t always a walk in the park. Some days, you’re trudging through mud, untangling old barbed-wire that’s long-outlived its purpose. Other days, you’re pulling stubborn invasive weeds, roots and all, or...

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Restoring Waterways at Black Bay

Black Bay, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Costal Productions)

Black Bay, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Costal Productions)

Growing up in Ontario, I have seen many diverse natural areas, but the North Shore of Lake Superior boasts the most beautiful landscapes and habitats I have ever experienced. And I am grateful to have helped protect and rehabilitate some of these...

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Scaling-up restoration

Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, ON (Photo Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC Staff)

Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, ON (Photo Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC Staff)

“We can do something big here.” That was my thought in spring 2011 when I looked across the rolling, sandy hills of what would become the Hazel Bird Nature Reserve in Ontario. At that time, I had been with the Nature Conservancy of...

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Experiencing Canada’s prairie grasslands for the first time

Tall grass prairie in Manitoba (Photo by Jessica Sánchez-Jasso)

Tall grass prairie in Manitoba (Photo by Jessica Sánchez-Jasso)

Colourful, surprising and full of life, grasslands of the Canadian Prairies are one of a kind. My first visit there deepened my passion for biology and reminded me why I fell in love with this field. From my earliest memories, I can recall...

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Twelve Mile Creek: Niagara’s last remaining cold-water habitat

View of lower pond and adjacent embankment crest at Lathrop Nature Preserve, ON (Photo by Noel Boucher/ NCC)

View of lower pond and adjacent embankment crest at Lathrop Nature Preserve, ON (Photo by Noel Boucher/ NCC)

In the urban landscape of Niagara, Ontario, lies a hidden gem: Twelve Mile Creek. This stream holds significant importance as the last remaining cold-water habitat in the region, serving as a critical lifeline for native species, including brook...

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A blazing start: Restoring habitat with a prescribed burn

Prescribed burn at Upper Big Creek Block of Norfolk County, ON (Photo by NCC)

Prescribed burn at Upper Big Creek Block of Norfolk County, ON (Photo by NCC)

How is burning a form of restoration and how does it work? Prescribed burns can be used for many different purposes: they can remove invasive species in an ecosystem, remove undergrowth on the forest floor, create new habitat for wildlife, provide...

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From dead trees to a living creek

Volunteers and staff on the wing deflector. (Photo by Andrea Moreau/NCC staff)

Volunteers and staff on the wing deflector. (Photo by Andrea Moreau/NCC staff)

In the Minesing Wetlands, an internationally significant wetland just west of Barrie, dead coniferous trees are bringing new life to Willow Creek. This July, I got to see it for myself when I tagged along to a Conservation Volunteers event. Prior...

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When it comes to wetland restoration and maximizing soil carbon storage, location matters

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

As appreciation from the public grows for the ecological and cultural values of wetlands, there is increasing demand to bring back those wetlands that have been converted or altered. Wetlands were once widespread across the temperate region of...

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A prescription for forest health

Plantation rows in Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Plantation rows in Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

When you think of a healthy, thriving forest, do you think of a straight lines of trees, all the same size, all the same species? Probably not. While tree plantations can be economically important and can provide significant ecological benefits...

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