
Prescribing nature: From passion to international recognition

Melissa speaking about Parks Prescription at the Canadian Medical Association Health Summit 2023 (Photo by Birinder Narang)

Melissa speaking about Parks Prescription at the Canadian Medical Association Health Summit 2023 (Photo by Birinder Narang)

Memories and experiences in nature can sometimes evoke a profound sense of wonder that compels someone to share its benefits with others. For Dr. Melissa Lem, president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, encountering...

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Queer connection and representation in conservation: NCC's Pride/2SLGBTQIA+ Resource Group

Double rainbow over Cherry Meadows, BC (Photo by Walter Latter)

Double rainbow over Cherry Meadows, BC (Photo by Walter Latter)

Since I was about 13 years old, I've known I was queer, and I've also known that I love the environment and wanted to make conservation my life's work. Yet, my connections to the queer community and to the conservation community have often been...

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A case of mistaken identity: Goldenrod and ragweed

Monarch butterfly on Canada goldenrod (Photo by Peter Jessen, CC BY-NC 4.0)

Monarch butterfly on Canada goldenrod (Photo by Peter Jessen, CC BY-NC 4.0)

I count myself fortunate when the change of seasons doesn’t bring about a runny nose, itchy eyes, headache and coughing, among other symptoms brought about by pollen (a fine powder produced by plants for sexual reproduction). Some pollen is...

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What we know about lake-safe sunscreen

Shoreline of a lake (Photo by Salome Guruli via Unsplash)

Shoreline of a lake (Photo by Salome Guruli via Unsplash)

I always felt very lucky that I didn’t inherit my mother’s propensity to sunburn. I wore sunscreen constantly as a child because I was afraid I’d turn crispy from mere moments in the sun. To this day, I always wear sunscreen on...

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The calming effects of natural soundscapes

Birds, wind, rain – these sounds enrich our experience of natural landscapes. (Photo by André Cook, Pexels)

Birds, wind, rain – these sounds enrich our experience of natural landscapes. (Photo by André Cook, Pexels)

Birds chirping, wind brushing through treetops, the babble of running water — nature’s music is abundant and has long been a source of comfort for humanity. Shakespeare noted the beauty of nature’s sounds in The Tempest: The...

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The truth about ticks

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Ticks seem to be everywhere these days. They’re on the news, on your social media feed and maybe even on your skin. People, especially those in southern Canada, are dealing with blacklegged ticks (also called deer ticks) with increasing...

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Ick, it's a tick! Tips for tick safety

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

At the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), field work is an integral part of many staffers' routine, be it leading volunteer events or conducting various conservation activities. When it comes to spending time outdoors, it is important to be...

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5 tips on how to enjoy winter if you’re not a winter person

Pug wrapped up in a blanket — how I feel about winter. (Photo by Unsplash, Matthew Henry)

Pug wrapped up in a blanket — how I feel about winter. (Photo by Unsplash, Matthew Henry)

Have you ever seen the commercials where people frolic about in the snow or cross-country ski in the woods, and thought, “Canadian winter is great, but I’m more comfy on my couch”? I have, and I don’t think I’m alone...

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How spending time in nature benefits your baby’s gut health

Sleeping infant (Photo by Daisy Laparra from Pexels)

Sleeping infant (Photo by Daisy Laparra from Pexels)

Being close to nature has motivated my life choices — where I live and how I spend my free time. In these times of COVID-19, where I work is now where I live, and I am lucky to live on a ravine in one of Edmonton’s natural areas, as...

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Backpack Essentials: Don’t let the ticks bite!

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

This blog post is part of the Backpack Essentials series, a series that explores the items that Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff carry with them when heading outside. It is inspired by the quarterly Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine...

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