Family Day Crossword

Play the conservation crossword puzzle!

Play the conservation crossword puzzle!

February 16, 2015 | by Wendy Ho

How would you describe your family in one word? Loyal, tight-knit or perhaps a little eccentric? For us humans, the family unit is often our primary social group, and kinship has been central to societal development. But in the fascinating world of the animals, applying this human concept can be a little challenging; especially when only about a handful of the 4,000 known mammalian species mate for life!

In honour of Family Day, here is a crossword puzzle that you and your family can enjoy. Test your knowledge with clues about how animals bond, where they live, what their youngsters are called and more!

Click here to open the crossword in a PDF. In order to use the interactive, fillable form, please download the file.

Highlight to see the answer key below:



1. Cavity

2. Habitat

5. Monogamous

8. Barn owl

11. Leveret

12. Trumpeter swan

13. Gray fox

 1. Chignecto Isthmus

3. Burrow

4. Family

6. Nest boxes

7. Eastern wolf

9. Beaver

10. Cygnet

Wendy Ho (Photo by NCC)

About the Author

Wendy Ho is Nature Conservancy of Canada's digital content manager.

Read more about Wendy Ho.

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