
Marie Tremblay

Marie Tremblay (Photo courtesy of Marie Tremblay)

Marie Tremblay is the director of conservation for the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) Alberta Region. Her role is to oversee NCC’s conservation work throughout Alberta, including planning, securement and stewardship activities. Prior to this, Marie worked as NCC’s national coordinator of property-level conservation practices. 

Marie possesses a Master’s degree in environmental design and a Ph.D. in ecology, both focusing on the movements of wildlife in fragmented landscapes. Professional experience includes teaching K-12 in Canada’s north and university-level courses in ecology and environmental issues in Calgary, working as a consultant on wildlife issues, and three years with Parks Canada as a species at risk specialist for national parks in the western and northern Canada.  

As a graduate student and a working professional, Marie possesses over 17 years of experience in conservation.