15 fun facts about Canadian snakes
Massasauga rattlesnake (Photo by Aaron Goodwin)
Whether you're a snake savant or a citizen scientist, it's the time of year that our slithery friends are out and about. Here are some interesting tidbits about our native snake species to share with your friends: In Canada, the...
Lasagna garden
My dog, Kahlua, in her new backyard (Photo by Carys Richards/NCC staff)
This summer I purchased a house, and alongside the responsibility of being a first-time home owner came the excitement of having my own yard to create a garden in. When I took possession of the house, the backyard looked a lot like this: flat and...
The importance of boreal forests
Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)
This past summer, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) participated in the protection of the largest contiguous area of boreal forest in the world. This amazing feat was achieved in partnership with the Tallcree Tribal Government, the...
Bring bees back to your garden
Bee pollinating a cherry tree (Photo by Jaimee Morozoff, NCC staff)
A few weeks ago, my mother texted me a photo of a shallow bowl with some rocks that she had set up beside her flowerbed. I didn’t have a clue what it was, and I told her as much. “It’s for my bumblebee,” she replied....
My first CV event: Nexen Energy interns help remove weeds in the badlands
Nexen CV event, Horseshoe Canyon, AB (Photo by NCC)
Less than a week into my internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I attended my first Conservation Volunteers (CV) event on June 5, 2014. The NCC team arrived early at the site, located on the Nodwell-Horseshoe Canyon property, to...