
Happy trails in the Happy Valley Forest

Tour participants walk by a mature maple tree on the Goldie Feldman Nature Reserve. (Photo by NCC)

Tour participants walk by a mature maple tree on the Goldie Feldman Nature Reserve. (Photo by NCC)

We heard the eastern wood pewee before we saw it. Just as the name suggests, we could hear it calling “Pee-oo-wee! Pee-oo-wee!” as we walked along the trail in the Happy Valley Forest. We stopped to admire some of the older-growth...

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Creating new memories with our neighbours: Coming together to celebrate Caribou Island

Caribou Island, ON (Photo by Alexander Paterson)

Caribou Island, ON (Photo by Alexander Paterson)

On August 20, 2014, I had the great privilege of attending an event to celebrate the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) latest acquisition on the north shore of Lake Superior — 167 acres (67 hectares) on Caribou Island. Hosted by one of...

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