
Why I walk in the woods

American Chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)

American Chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)

The woods deliver in every season. Backus Woods is my favourite refuge and whenever I visit I am reminded why. It’s nothing in particular, really, but the experience itself. It’s breathing in the sweet, fresh oxygen-rich air as snow...

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Why forests matter speakers series reminds us of the value of trees

Forest by the Humber River, ON (Photo by Michael Gil, Wikimedia Commons)

Forest by the Humber River, ON (Photo by Michael Gil, Wikimedia Commons)

I think everyone intrinsically knows that nature matters. That forests, made up of trees, literally give us life. But I also think it’s easy to forget (I, myself, am guilty of this). The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) set out to remind...

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Forests are too big to fail: The value of our urban forests

Forest by the Humber River, ON (Photo by Michael Gil, Wikimedia Commons)

Forest by the Humber River, ON (Photo by Michael Gil, Wikimedia Commons)

With 16,000 trees per square kilometre — or four trees per person — the City of Toronto is indeed a city in a forest, and that’s never more evident than when you stand at the top of the CN Tower in summer. But there’s a...

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A call to conserve the world's last great forests

Carolinian forest, Ontario (Photo courtesy of Earth Images Foundation)

Carolinian forest, Ontario (Photo courtesy of Earth Images Foundation)

There are few other groups of species that have impacted the face of our planet than trees…. We define the major life zones of earth based on the presence or absence of forests. At one time all plants were grasses, ferns and horsetails...

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