
Meet NCC’s 2023 summer interns: Sabrina Hasselfelt

Laced up and ready for what the field day may bring (Photo by Sabrina Hasselfelt/NCC staff)

Laced up and ready for what the field day may bring (Photo by Sabrina Hasselfelt/NCC staff)

As I stepped into this internship at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), connecting with fellow interns and sharing their stories and passions has been something I’ve been looking forward to. I gladly introduce to you our next intern in...

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Close encounters: Baffling beavers and tracking elk at Hastings Wildlife Junction

The Large Landscapes Team with beaver baffler (Photo by NCC)

The Large Landscapes Team with beaver baffler (Photo by NCC)

A great day packed with sights and sounds for the large landscapes team at the Hastings Wildlife Junction! Back in May 2023, the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) staff were made aware of flooding along a trail due to beaver...

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Stanley the stowaway

Stanely on a branch (Photo by Andrea Moreau)

Stanely on a branch (Photo by Andrea Moreau)

It was past midnight, and I was just wrapping up my school work for the day when I saw it: a tiny brown lizard, only slightly larger than my thumb nail. The lizard was so small (and I was so tired) that I had to do a doubletake; but there it was,...

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When it comes to wetland restoration and maximizing soil carbon storage, location matters

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

As appreciation from the public grows for the ecological and cultural values of wetlands, there is increasing demand to bring back those wetlands that have been converted or altered. Wetlands were once widespread across the temperate region of...

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Once you see it, you can’t unsee it

Northern clearwater crayfish (Photo by mahoonta, CC BY-NC 4.0)

Northern clearwater crayfish (Photo by mahoonta, CC BY-NC 4.0)

As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Big Backyard BioBlitz approaches, I have been reflecting on the ways that getting to know the wild species around me has enriched my life. I’ve needed to be able to identify key...

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Batchewana Island: Protecting paradise

The canoe on the beach, with Batchewana Island in the background. (Photo by Andrea J Moreau/NCC staff)

The canoe on the beach, with Batchewana Island in the background. (Photo by Andrea J Moreau/NCC staff)

As a communications intern at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I’ve spent a lot of time looking at photos of the many beautiful properties managed by NCC, carefully selecting the right shot to be included in a blog post or newsletter....

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Marshland in the Long Point Region has a long history — and holds a lot of carbon

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

There is growing discussion on the role of wetlands as natural climate solutions; meaning how we can conserve and restore these ecosystems to leverage carbon storage and greenhouse gas uptake from the atmosphere. This could ultimately help slow...

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April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring…flies?

A pawpaw flower (Photo by Andrea J. Moreau)

A pawpaw flower (Photo by Andrea J. Moreau)

Come spring, natural spaces are always buzzing with activity. The warmer weather and sweet floral scent carried on the wind attract people and prospective pollinators alike. I was no exception to this rule on one late May afternoon, excitedly...

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A great island in a Great Lake

Batchewana Island, ON (Photo by Gary McGuffin)

Batchewana Island, ON (Photo by Gary McGuffin)

Like so many residents of Sault Ste. Marie, Lake Superior cottagers and travellers on the Trans-Canada Highway, Batchewana Island floats on the horizon of my summertime memories. I remember childhood picnics with my grandparents at Batchawana Bay...

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Surviving the storm: What happens after the trees come down?

Downed trees in Gillies Grove after the freezing rain thunderstorm in spring 2023 (Photo by NCC)

Downed trees in Gillies Grove after the freezing rain thunderstorm in spring 2023 (Photo by NCC)

Whenever we experience a big storm in eastern Ontario, my thoughts turn to the Gillies Grove Nature Reserve. Home to some of the last remaining old-growth forest in eastern Ontario, this Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) project is considered...

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