Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Jeslyn Chantler
Jesyln Chantler, NCC Intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
The adrenaline rush from running fuels marathon runner Jeslyn Chantler — who is also the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) conservation intern for the Happy Valley Forest region, which is 50 minutes north of Toronto — to do...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Nicole Aronitz
Nicole Aronitz, NCC intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
Based on my xperience as the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) internal communications and culture intern the fellow conservation interns are lovely to chat with, as they share a genuine passion for conservation. Calgary-based intern...
Forest insights: 5 surprising facts about Canada’s woodlands
Boreal Wildlands, ON (Photo by NCC)
Canada’s forests are home to people and creatures of all types. They are habitats and places of recreation and refuge. However, due to several pressures, including unnaturally large wildfires, invasive species, and habitat destruction and...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Rishona Vemulapalli
Rishona Vemulapalli, NCC Intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
If I could summarize what I learned about Rishona from my conversations with her in three words, it would be that she is outdoorsy, self-driven and curious. Especially when it comes to her work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). It was a...
Meet NCC’s 2024 summer interns: Aidan Curran
Aidan Curan NCC intern 2024 (Photo by NCC)
As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) internal communications and culture intern for two summers in a row, I am glad to be back to continue the summer intern profile series for 2024. I am excited to showcase the amazing work of...
The Big Backyard BioBlitz 2024 was a smashing scientific success!
Big Backyard BioBlitz (Photo by Kontakt)
Thank you to the 8,600+ BioBlitzers across Canada who participated in the annual Big Backyard BioBlitz, sharing observations of amazing species from coast to coast to coast. From August 1 to 5, participants shared over 47,000 observations of...
Growing harmony: Agriculture and conservation
Wideview, SK (Photo by Calvin Fehr)
Born and raised in Calgary, we took many family camping trips into the Prairies. I was always awed by the massive expanses of grasslands, the endless blue skies, and the diversity of birds, mammals and insects we would see. I remember having to...
Working in wetlands: A complex ecosystem
Wetland creation site: staff and volunteer group with newly created woody berm structure in 2022 (Photo Carolyn Davies/NCC)
The Minesing Wetlands is an incredible complex. Designated as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, a Provincially Significant Wetland and a Life Sciences Area of Natural and Scientific Interest, it is a critical area for conservation....
The buzz about bees: The vital role of Prairie grasslands in bee conservation
Bumble bee on Wood’s rose, SK- Jason Bantle
Bees, like many other pollinators, are a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunately, these cute critters face numerous threats, including habitat loss, climate change, disease and poisoning. As a result, many bee species, such as western bumble...
Birders of a feather: Ethical wildlife photography
Common Yellowthroat,ON (Photo by Gen Pintel)
Over the past six years, birding and bird photography have become outlets for me to connect with nature. These pursuits also connect me with others, especially those who get just as excited as me when they come across a blackburnian warbler,...