Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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Cave Pasture: A hoppy haven

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

Northern leopard frog (Photo by Sean Feagan/NCC staff)

As the 2023 communications and engagement intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Saskatchewan, I get to showcase different species and conservation properties that NCC is taking care of. The Cave Pasture property is the most recent...

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Fifty years ago

Abraham Lake Nature Reserve, NS (Photo by Len Wagg)

Abraham Lake Nature Reserve, NS (Photo by Len Wagg)

Fifty years ago, as a junior forester, I was introduced to “Big Red.” Towering above the other red spruce trees in a classic example of old-growth Wabanaki (Acadian) forest, Big Red was located near the trailhead of the Nature...

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What five months in a cabin taught me about conservation

The view of the southern pond at Graham property (Photo by Alice Xiao/NCC staff)

The view of the southern pond at Graham property (Photo by Alice Xiao/NCC staff)

I always wanted to live in a cabin in the woods, to be away from the city and experience life in the countryside. I imagined it to be like in the picture books of woodland animals: baking, sewing and drinking tea in cozy wood cabins, all with a...

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Nature-friendly practices that benefit wildlife and plants

Orchard (Photo by NCC)

Orchard (Photo by NCC)

My name is Gabrielle and I'm a biologist. I'm currently completing my master's degree in environment and sustainable development, biodiversity management at the Université de Montréal. I've always been interested in ecological...

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The healing power of nature

Town Island, ON (Photo by Patty Nelson)

Town Island, ON (Photo by Patty Nelson)

As a conservation technician with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I’ve come to intimately understand the rejuvenating effects of nature. During my recent visit to Town Island, located about two kilometres from the mainland on Lake of...

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Striving for fluid human-wildlife coexistence

Pronghorn (Photo by NCC)

Pronghorn (Photo by NCC)

My name is Evan Mah and I am an ecological restoration technician as a part of the Next Generation Conservation Leaders program with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). My job often involves routine fence maintenance and adjustments; however,...

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