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Top 5 things I learned at COP28

Rob Wilson and other panelists at the Grasslands and Canadian Livestock: Solutions from the Ground Up event at COP28 (Photo by Melanie Bos/NCC)
As NCC’s director of conservation finance, I went to COP28 to learn how the world can fund climate change solutions, and to share about how we are building partnerships across the country to support nature and climate goals through...
Sharing a quiet forest with a Canada lynx

Canada lynx (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
Sitting for hours inside a cramped, cold blind waiting for wildlife doesn't sound exciting — but it is. Being able to observe animals in their natural surroundings isn't just a thrill, it's a passion, and one that doesn't come easy and is...
The joy of doing nothing, except hanging out with puffins

Île aux Perroquets and the historic lighthouse. (Photo courtesy of Quincin Chan)
This blog was written by Wendy Ho as told by Quincin Chan The St. Lawrence River holds a special place in my heart. It was part of my three-week honeymoon camping road trip in Quebec years ago. Fast forward seven years and two kids later, we took...
Adventures in elk country: Exploring conservation, wildlife and nature

Elk at Lockerby, AB (Photo by NCC)
As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation intern in the Red Deer River this past summer, I assisted in monitoring more than 35 properties in central Alberta. A critical aspect of monitoring involves making species...
Sanderlings flock to Mackie Ranch

Sanderlings (Photo by Jason bantle)
For the last blog of my internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I chose to write about adorable birds that spend a lot of time in the sand: sanderlings. In fact, a flock of sanderlings is called a grain, which is a perfect name for...
Weeding out trouble: A summer as an invasive species sleuth

Hiking on the ridge to check on biocontrol releases (Photo by NCC)
This summer I had the incredible opportunity to work as an invasive species technician with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in the Waterton and Castle Crowsnest Natural Area. This remarkable area is known for its diverse landscapes and...