Coyote Lake, UNSRB, AB (Photo by NCC)

Coyote Lake, UNSRB, AB (Photo by NCC)

Stories From the Field

  • Ferruginous hawk (Photo by Leta Pezderic / NCC Staff)
    The raptors of McIntyre Ranch

    McIntyre Ranch, nestled within the grasslands of southern Alberta, is home to a remarkable array of raptor species.
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  • Three-flowered avens (Photo by Sean Feagan / NCC Staff)
    Plants of the mixed-grass prairies

    Walk through the mixed-grass prairies and you will encounter a variety of interesting plants.
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  • Western Meadowlark by Leta Pezderic / NCC Staff
    Keeping the song of the prairie alive

    Not everyone has had the chance to experience the chorus of grassland songbirds on a cool Prairie dawn, but those who have understand their importance and beauty.
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  • A NCC volunteer controls weeds at Golden Ranches (Photo by NCC)
    Adopt-a-Patch: Another way to help nature

    Those looking to spend time in nature this summer have a chance to get out and make a difference for a nature.
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  • Bunchberry flower (Photo by NCC)
    Giving Bunchberry Meadows its quiet time this spring

    A temporary spring closure of Bunchberry Meadows will protect species and habitats when they are most sensitive.
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  • Dalmatian toadflax damaged by weevil biocontrol (Photo by NCC)
    Weeding with weevils

    Controlling invasive weeds requires some out-of-the-box thinking.
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