Coyote Lake, UNSRB, AB (Photo by NCC)

Coyote Lake, UNSRB, AB (Photo by NCC)

Stories From the Field

  • Arrowleaf balsamroot on grazed prairie grassland (Photo by Leta Pezderic)
    How NCC keeps grasslands healthy

    The science-based approach of range health management helps ensure grassland ecosystems are sustainably grazed.
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  • Northern Scorpion (Photo by Caleb Catto, CC-BY-4)
    Our Prairie Scaries

    As Halloween approaches, our minds turn to the creatures that might send shivers down our spines. But these animals become less frightening as their vital roles in Prairie grassland ecosystems are understood.
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  • A hungry goat (Photo by NCC)
    Goats: Unlikely heroes in ecological restoration

    One innovative approach to this challenging task of ecological restoration involves an unlikely ally: goats.
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  • Mule Deer bucks on The Yarrow (Photo by Sean Feagan / NCC Staff)
    Summer at The Yarrow

    A closer look reveals that life still thrives through the hot and dry summer months at this remarkable place.
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  • The Wrays accept their stewardship award (Courtesy Alberta Beef Producers)
    Ranchers recognized for stewardship approach

    A group of Alberta ranchers has been honoured for their dedication to regenerative agriculture.
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  • Pronghorn (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)
    Sustaining our grassland speedsters

    If we want pronghorn to stick around, they must be able to move on.
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