
A Labour of Love: National Volunteer Week

Seeding at Brighton Wetland, ON (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC Staff)

Seeding at Brighton Wetland, ON (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC Staff)

A thank you to volunteers in Central Ontario East for their hard work sowing native plant species on NCC's Brighton Wetland property on February 14, 2024.

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Regeneration ablaze on the Rice Lake Plains

A black oak engulfed in smoke from the prescribed burn at Hazel Bird Nature Reserve. Black oaks are tolerant of low-intensity fires, allowing them to thrive in tall grass prairie ecosystems. (Photo by NCC)

A black oak engulfed in smoke from the prescribed burn at Hazel Bird Nature Reserve. Black oaks are tolerant of low-intensity fires, allowing them to thrive in tall grass prairie ecosystems. (Photo by NCC)

“Why is that on fire?” ― a burning question I have received from many curious folks on my Instagram account after posting videos of a prescribed burn that took place at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Hazel Bird Nature Reserve...

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