
Invasive species are a lot like...breakfast!

Maggie Cascadden demonstrates how BaDandelion muffins are made (Photo by NCC)

Maggie Cascadden demonstrates how BaDandelion muffins are made (Photo by NCC)

Weeds: every lawn, garden and even sidewalk seems to have them. They are pesky and stubborn, and have been known to cause severe frustration. A weed is classified as invasive when it travels 100 metres within 50 years, which is really fast...

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The 21st century field naturalist

Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve,BC (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve,BC (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

Today’s birder or wildflower enthusiast would be almost unrecognizable to Canada’s first field naturalists. Percy Taverner (1875-1947), a Canadian pioneer in ornithology, carried a shotgun to identify birds in the hand, and used...

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Le naturaliste de terrain du XXIe siècle

Réserve de chênes de Garry de Cowichan, Colombie-Britannique (photo de Tim Ennis/CNC)

Réserve de chênes de Garry de Cowichan, Colombie-Britannique (photo de Tim Ennis/CNC)

Les premiers naturalistes canadiens auraient sans doute du mal à se reconnaître dans les ornithologues ou les passionnés de fleurs sauvages d’aujourd’hui. Percy Taverner (1875‑1947), l’un des pionniers de...

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Connecting with nature: Early morning sun on water

Large-format camera lens (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Image Gallery of the Agricultural Research Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture))

Large-format camera lens (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Image Gallery of the Agricultural Research Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture))

Early morning and water: two of my favourite photography elements... Come meet me me this weekend at the Halifax Saltscapes East Coast Expo. I'd love to chat about the Nature Conservancy of Canada, photography and opportunities to...

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Three things I've pledged to do for nature this Earth Day

Val Deziel distributes a flat of wild rye for planting (Photo by NCC)

Val Deziel distributes a flat of wild rye for planting (Photo by NCC)

To celebrate Earth Day I’m sharing three easy activities I’ve pledged to do for nature this year: Plant with purpose I recently moved to a (relatively) quiet suburb of Toronto, into a house with a backyard! Which, as I’m sure...

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Le jour où je me suis mis à enlacer des arbres



Je dois dire pour commencer que je suis un scientifique; je ne suis pas un hippie. Je ne fais pas brûler d’encens, n’utilise pas des pierres ou de cristaux pour la guérison et je ne porte pas de patchwork. Je conduis une...

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I hugged a tree, and I liked it

Maximizing the human/tree interface by tree hugging (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

Maximizing the human/tree interface by tree hugging (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

I need to start out by saying that I'm a scientist. I'm not a hippie. I don't burn incense, own healing crystals or wear tie-dye. I drive a car, eat meat and enjoy reading things like updates to the income tax act. And, I'll openly admit I...

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Thinking about World Water Day

Water trough at Waterton Park Front, AB (Photo by NCC)

Water trough at Waterton Park Front, AB (Photo by NCC)

Working as a Communications Coordinator for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a great way to learn about science, nature and everything NCC does to conserve land for wildlife and future generations of Canadians. I often focus on land when...

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Share your love of nature with your love, in nature

A pair of cedar waxwings (Photo by Brendan Toews)

A pair of cedar waxwings (Photo by Brendan Toews)

Behold! The year’s (supposedly) most romantic day is coming up! Whether you see it as a cash grab for makers of V-Day buys or a necessary observance, it’s easy to get swept up in the fuss. But of all the roses, chocolates and candle...

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Tips and tricks for low light photography

1/13 F5.6 ISO 400 (Photo by Amy Anastasopoulos/NCC staff)

1/13 F5.6 ISO 400 (Photo by Amy Anastasopoulos/NCC staff)

A few years ago, I dropped my little Coolpix camera in the Lake Saint-Jean in Quebec while kayaking with my sister and cousin. Despite leaving the camera body, memory card and battery in a bag of rice for four days, my poor Coolpix was never the...

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