Exploring the remarkable Gervais Property

Channel spring, Gervais property, Ottawa, ON (Photo by Daniel F. Brunton).
You can hear it...The sound of rushing water, like a rapids or a waterfall, right in the middle of the woods where no channel exists. Huh? Until then there had been no immediate outward sign that I was in a remarkable spot, let alone one that is...
The search for an elusive species

Black purse-web spider (Photo by Rob Craig, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)
The black purse-web spider is not well known in Ontario. The species has been found occasionally across Southern Ontario, from Windsor to Belleville, including a recent find in Rouge Park in 2012. Interestingly, it belongs to the group of...
Découverte d'une salamandre à quatre orteils sur une propriété nouvelle de CNC

Salamandre à quatre orteils (photo de Brian Gratwicke)
Lors de la retraite d’équipe du Québec du 6 juin par un des sous-groupes formé de Joel Bonin, Julien Poisson, Carine Deland, Caroline Tanguay, Lucie Veillette, Marie-Andrée Tougas-Tellier et Gabrielle...
Hunting orchids in Minesing wetland

Eastern prairie white-fringed orchid (Photo by NCC)
As an intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I often find myself walking a fine line between work and play. Even the toughest days are balanced by the realization that my workplace typically consists of wetlands, grasslands and...
At home on the tundra: Why I fell in love with the Arctic landscape

Dundas Harbour (Photo by Carolyn Mallory)
If you’ve never had the opportunity to visit the Arctic tundra, perhaps your first moments will compare to mine. When I stepped off the plane in Iqaluit, Nunavut in 1999, I knew immediately that I would call this place home. The landscape...