
A plea for conservation

Iceberg off of Maddox Cove, NL (Photo by Ronald Stone/Stone Island Photography)

Iceberg off of Maddox Cove, NL (Photo by Ronald Stone/Stone Island Photography)

Sir David Attenborough is a name that has become synonymous with conservation. Reuniting with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Natural History Unit, Attenborough and the BBC have come together once again to follow up their widely...

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Garlic: The forbidden fruit? (Part Two)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Garlic (Photo by cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)

Part One of this blog was an overview of garlic, and the native variety growing in the Eastern Townships and Outaouais regions in Quebec. In Part Two I present you with a little garlic 101! The minimum threshold for a wild garlic population to...

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More endangered than pandas: 40 Canadian species at risk of global extinction

Earlier this month, a conservation success story resonated around the world. The giant panda, perhaps the preeminent poster species of nature conservation, was down-listed from a global status of endangered to vulnerable on the International Union...

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Something's Fishy: Here comes the sun(fish)

Warmouth up-close (Photo by Clinton & Charles Robertson/Wikimedia Commons)

Warmouth up-close (Photo by Clinton & Charles Robertson/Wikimedia Commons)

“We rise when the fish do!” exclaimed my grandfather just as I was settling into the guestroom, known fondly as my room-away-from-home, at my grandparent’s house. “When’s that, grandpa?” I called back in...

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A whoosh in the night

Common nighthawk resting on its nest (Photo by NCC)

Common nighthawk resting on its nest (Photo by NCC)

Wandering through the forests, grasslands, and alvars of the Bruce Peninsula at dusk brings a certain calm to the soul; a type of peace that is seldom found in the bustle of a city at night. The forests are abuzz with the sounds of nocturnal...

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Something's Fishy: The legendary lamprey

<i>The Lamprey, 2. The Pride</i>, 1866 (Illustration by Robert Hamilton)

The Lamprey, 2. The Pride, 1866 (Illustration by Robert Hamilton)

Anyone who knows me could tell you I’m really into folklore. Fairy tales, spooky stories and legendary accounts of people, places and mystical things have intrigued me for as long as I can remember. I'm also really into fish. So if there is...

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The search for an endangered tiger beetle is on and you can help!

Northern barrens tiger beetle habitat (Photo by Sara McEwan, Ontario Parks)

Northern barrens tiger beetle habitat (Photo by Sara McEwan, Ontario Parks)

I like plants. I have picked them, identified them, pressed them, documented them and eaten them. They are familiar and I look forward to seeing them every season. Insects, on the other hand, are not as familiar to me, but learning is always a...

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Pollination deception: Manitoba’s lady’s slipper orchids

Small white lady's-slipper (Photo by Melissa Grantham)

Small white lady's-slipper (Photo by Melissa Grantham)

In Manitoba we have several species of lady’s slipper orchids, but the two I am most interested in, and have researched, are the yellow lady’s slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum) and the provincially endangered small white lady’s...

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Wolverine sighting at Courage Lake

Wolverine at Courage Lake, Manitoba (Photo by Christian Artuso)

Wolverine at Courage Lake, Manitoba (Photo by Christian Artuso)

Many of you will know how much I have poured my heart and soul into coordinating the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas over the past six years. Some of you will also know how much emphasis I have placed on point counting (an extremely useful method...

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Hunting orchids in Minesing wetland

Eastern prairie white-fringed orchid (Photo by NCC)

Eastern prairie white-fringed orchid (Photo by NCC)

As an intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I often find myself walking a fine line between work and play. Even the toughest days are balanced by the realization that my workplace typically consists of wetlands, grasslands and...

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