
Hide and seek in the city: Exploring Toronto's plants...with my phone

Using a smartphone to identify nature (Photo by Pixabay)

Using a smartphone to identify nature (Photo by Pixabay)

Having been on the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) editorial team for a few years, I’ve read countless stories from field staff and guest bloggers of various expertise. My job has nurtured my curiosity for animals and made...

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Hugging trees

Anwar Knight and I hugging a black oak tree in High Park.  (Photo courtesy of Anwar Knight)

Anwar Knight and I hugging a black oak tree in High Park. (Photo courtesy of Anwar Knight)

I’m walking along a well-beaten dirt path in a favourite forest. The brilliant early fall sunshine streams through the leaves, which are gradually dimming from their vibrant summer green to hues of yellow, gold and the first tinges of red. A...

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The clock is counting down: It’s time to have a tick talk

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Whenever I hike with my non-naturalist friends, I give them the usual safety spiel: wear long sleeves and long pants, stay hydrated, watch for poison ivy and nettles, and bring along some bug spray. But, as of late, I find myself adding a fifth...

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The poetry of nature

(Photo by Maia Herriot)

(Photo by Maia Herriot)

I am an English major raised by two writers and former English majors. I spent this past summer writing blog posts as the communications intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Saskatchewan Region. Writing is my thing. I...

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Living out my passion for conservation

Brock Hussey (Photo by NCC)

Brock Hussey (Photo by NCC)

I have always had a passion for nature, like many people in the conservation field. Growing up, I was always outside, surrounded by nature, observing the plants and animals around me. It wasn’t often you would find me without my eyes glued...

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Tiny house, smaller footprint

This year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. (Photo by Maia Herriot)

This year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. (Photo by Maia Herriot)

In celebration of Family Day this year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. According to Tiny Home Builders, the tiny house movement is “the architectural and social movement that...

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Lasagna garden

My dog, Kahlua, in her new backyard (Photo by Carys Richards/NCC staff)

My dog, Kahlua, in her new backyard (Photo by Carys Richards/NCC staff)

This summer I purchased a house, and alongside the responsibility of being a first-time home owner came the excitement of having my own yard to create a garden in. When I took possession of the house, the backyard looked a lot like this: flat and...

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Making friends with the solitary bees

Blue orchard bee (Photo by Robert Engelhardt)

Blue orchard bee (Photo by Robert Engelhardt)

When you think of bees, your mind probably goes to honey, hives and stingers. But what if I told you that there was a species of bee, native to the Saskatchewan prairies, that didn’t make honey, live in a hive or (usually) sting? Mason bees...

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Life as an intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada

Before the summer ended and we went our separate ways, I caught up with my fellow interns to get an idea of what they do when they leave the office. (Photo by NCC)

Before the summer ended and we went our separate ways, I caught up with my fellow interns to get an idea of what they do when they leave the office. (Photo by NCC)

As the former communications intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Saskatchewan Region, I spent most of my summer at my desk, while our five other interns spent most of their time in the field. Before the summer ended...

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The shorebirds’ favourite rest stop

Piping plover (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Piping plover (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Over the last 20 years, several conservation organizations, including the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), have supported the operation of the Chaplin Nature Centre, located just outside of the town of Chaplin in southern...

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