
Nature makes it possible

“Nature is the like most skilled of therapists, the warmest of old friends, and the most nurturing of beloved family members, all wrapped up together. Nature is where I go to heal, recharge, and reawaken.” (Photo of Bruce Peninsula National Park by Brianne Curry/NCC staff)

“Nature is the like most skilled of therapists, the warmest of old friends, and the most nurturing of beloved family members, all wrapped up together. Nature is where I go to heal, recharge, and reawaken.” (Photo of Bruce Peninsula National Park by Brianne Curry/NCC staff)

Nature is and always has been the answer. It sustains us. It is resilient. It has the power to heal and inspire. The Nature Conservancy of Canada recently invited staff to share how nature inspires, nurtures and makes life possible for them. Just...

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A rare encounter with a rare species

Allison Patrick stands among the tall grasses and wildflowers at NCC's property on Hog Island. (Photo by NCC)

Allison Patrick stands among the tall grasses and wildflowers at NCC's property on Hog Island. (Photo by NCC)

As a conservation biologist with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Fredericton, I spend each summer working in some of the most beautiful parts of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. One of my favourite areas in New Brunswick is...

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A close encounter like no otter

Two river otters peeping their heads above the water (Photo by Nila Sivatheesan/NCC staff)

Two river otters peeping their heads above the water (Photo by Nila Sivatheesan/NCC staff)

Walking through fields of wildflowers and towering trees is an incredible feeling. It reminds me that there’s so much more to this life than just me and my bubble. It’s a humbling feeling. But what’s even more incredible is...

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Close encounter with a barred owl

Barred owl at night (Photo by Quincin Chan/NCC staff)

Barred owl at night (Photo by Quincin Chan/NCC staff)

This blog was written by Damien Cheung (with the help of his mom, Quincin Chan). I went to Arrowhead Provincial Park in Ontario for the Fire and Ice Night event with my family on a weekend in January and stayed in a cabin in the park. We had...

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An otterly delightful encounter

River otters (Photo by Dreamstime)

River otters (Photo by Dreamstime)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been asked the question “what is your favourite animal?” As time passes, this question becomes increasingly more difficult for me to answer. How can I pick just one? My favourite species...

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Why did the bird hit my window?

This American robin was an unfortunate victim of a window strike (Photo by Wendy Ho/NCC staff)

This American robin was an unfortunate victim of a window strike (Photo by Wendy Ho/NCC staff)

Last spring, when songbirds were migrating back to southern Canada from their wintering sites, I witnessed the victim of my first bird window strike — a juvenile American robin. My husband heard a “bonk” sound against the house....

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Rhubarb and monarchs: an unlikely duo

Monarch butterfly on aster (Photo by June Swift)

Monarch butterfly on aster (Photo by June Swift)

June is my favourite month. That time of year when you’re on the cusp of hot summer weather, daydreaming of how you’ll spend the dog days of summer in some sort of lake or having a picnic in the shade. For gardeners like myself,...

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Digging badgers: A close encounter

A badger at its burrow. (Photo by J. Sayers, Ontario Badger Project)

A badger at its burrow. (Photo by J. Sayers, Ontario Badger Project)

“A badger? On my property? There are no badgers here!” is often the response I got from landowners in southern Ontario during my short stint as a field technician for the Ontario Badger Project. American badgers are difficult to spot;...

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Meeting wildlife in the wilds of Cape Breton

Canada lynx (Photo by Shutterstock)

Canada lynx (Photo by Shutterstock)

This story was written by Kathryn Morse, as told by Danielle Horne. My work on the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) stewardship team in Nova Scotia means that I spend several months in the field every summer and fall, monitoring...

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A thank you letter to NCC

Leigh Gustafson (Photo by Brendan Kelly Photography)

Leigh Gustafson (Photo by Brendan Kelly Photography)

For as long as I can remember, I have loved animals. I used to spend my spare time sprawled in the grass with a pencil in hand, drawing pictures of my favourite animals from my Dad’s Mammals of North America atlas. I incessantly dreamed of...

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