
Treasure hunting: The quest for queen snakes

Queen snake found on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula in 2017. When these snakes are observed, not only do we look for signs of snake fungal disease, we also examine them for signs of injury and measure them so we can better understand the number of young versus adults in the population. (Photo by NCC)

Queen snake found on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula in 2017. When these snakes are observed, not only do we look for signs of snake fungal disease, we also examine them for signs of injury and measure them so we can better understand the number of young versus adults in the population. (Photo by NCC)

Paddling across the lake, fellow staff from the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and I couldn’t contain our excitement. It was the first day of our annual queen snake surveys, and we were all curious about what we might find. I often...

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The call of the Carden

Team Pedalling for Nature includes Cameron Curran, Aiesha Aggarwal, Dorthea Hangaard and Susan Blayney. (Photo by NCC)

Team Pedalling for Nature includes Cameron Curran, Aiesha Aggarwal, Dorthea Hangaard and Susan Blayney. (Photo by NCC)

Just imagine an opportunity to embark on an expedition that immerses you in the depths of wilderness, where you get to learn, explore and engage with nature alongside like-minded people — a whirlwind "safari," if you will. For 24 hours,...

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Spotting species in Norfolk Forest

Jenna Siu and Kayla Ellis ready to blitz! (Photo by Amanda Bichel)

Jenna Siu and Kayla Ellis ready to blitz! (Photo by Amanda Bichel)

It was 11:30 a.m. on an early summer day, and a steady trickle of people were arriving at the Bird Studies Canada (BSC) headquarters in Port Rowan, Ontario. The Norfolk Important Bird and Biodiversity Area BioBlitz was set to start in just a half...

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My southern beauty

A tuliptree in fall (Photo by Bernt Solymar)

A tuliptree in fall (Photo by Bernt Solymar)

As I sat on the hillside staring out at hundreds of lilacs, I couldn’t help but notice the giant trees shading out large patches of land. I’d never seen such a large tree in southern Ontario before, and I was fascinated. I had to know...

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Celebrating National Forest Week the Conservation Volunteers way

Volunteers heading out to pull invasive garlic mustard at a CV event in Happy Valley Forest (Photo by Miguel Hortiguela)

Volunteers heading out to pull invasive garlic mustard at a CV event in Happy Valley Forest (Photo by Miguel Hortiguela)

I grew up near an urban forest in Hamilton, Ontario, on the west side of the mountain. The Niagara Escarpment, recognized by the UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve in 1990, runs through the middle of the city, dividing it into what’s known...

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How nature helped me lose 40 pounds

Running in nature (Photo from Masterfile)

Running in nature (Photo from Masterfile)

Losing weight was and always has been an uphill battle for me. I would have a good week or two, where I would hop on the scale to see it finally go down after counting calories and sweating it out at the gym, only to be defeated in the days...

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6 reasons to move into the forest this fall

Ogilvie sunset on forest, BC (Photo by NCC)

Ogilvie sunset on forest, BC (Photo by NCC)

Pack your belongings, health-conscious readers, because the evidence is clear: it’s time to live with nature. The benefits of spending time in green spaces are well documented. This year, Canada hosted the United Nations’ World...

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Sinkholes, cliffs and ravines – oh my!

Amy exploring a section of karst forest in Cape Breton, NS (Photo by NCC)

Amy exploring a section of karst forest in Cape Breton, NS (Photo by NCC)

As a conservation intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Atlantic Region this summer, I’ve battled mosquitoes and deer flies, bushwhacked through rose bushes and hawthorns, almost lost a rubber boot in an open bog...

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Join the invasion at Hazel Bird

Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

When visiting the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) Hazel Bird Nature Reserve in Ontario, you are greeted by a stunning grassland prairie with strong, looming oaks scattered delicately within the fields. You see the occasional shift of the...

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Small pulls for a big cause: Ridding the Happy Valley Forest of invasive species

White trilliums in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

White trilliums in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

Summer in the Happy Valley Forest is the best time to enjoy the newly emerging flowers. It's a pleasant reminder that the warm weather is well on its way. Hiking through the forest, you may come across patches of bloodroot, Mayapple and of course...

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