
World Wildlife Day: The impossible eagle

Bald eagle (Photo by Keith Mombour)

Bald eagle (Photo by Keith Mombour)

I have many memories of wildlife firsts. There’s a vivid memory of seeing my first white-tailed deer peering through the woods as I peered back through the school bus window. And I can still see the eyes of my first up-close encounter with a...

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You think your relatives are wild? Take a look at nature’s own families

Red colobus monkeys in Jozani forest. Endemic to Zanzibar (Photo by Olivier Lejade, Wikimedia Commons)

Red colobus monkeys in Jozani forest. Endemic to Zanzibar (Photo by Olivier Lejade, Wikimedia Commons)

With Family Day on the doorstep, what better way to share facts about animals with interesting social structures than with your own tribe? Monkeys have strong family dynamics. Like humans, they spend their lives in large communities or social...

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Human-created noise pollution impacts wildlife

A bat hanging upside down (Photo by Unsplash)

A bat hanging upside down (Photo by Unsplash)

Just as noise pollution negatively impacts human health, it also affects wildlife. It can interfere with animal communication, hinder their foraging abilities and impact where they live. A recent study published in Biology Letters found that...

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Exploring the boreal forest with an interactive story map

Canada warbler (Photo by Gerald Deboer)

Canada warbler (Photo by Gerald Deboer)

Imagine taking a flight across Canada’s vast and breathtaking boreal region, which stretches across approximately 60 per cent of the country. Now take a step back from this picture of grandeur to focus on the littlest bird residents flitting...

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Hiker meets hunter: An encounter with a snowy owl

A male snowy owl (Photo by Pixabay)

A male snowy owl (Photo by Pixabay)

When I moved to Newfoundland in 2011, I was excited to explore the incredible landscapes of my adopted province. Even the most densely populated part of the province — the Avalon Peninsula near St. John’s — is still wild enough...

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A wildly delicious holiday guide

Woodland caribou (Photo by Steve Forrest CC BY-NC 2.0)

Woodland caribou (Photo by Steve Forrest CC BY-NC 2.0)

It’s that time of year again: the temperatures are geting colder, but our hearts warm with holiday spirit. It’s the season of hot cocoa, snowflakes and family gatherings. However, for some of us, that also means preparing a grand...

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Meeting wildlife in the wilds of Cape Breton

Canada lynx (Photo by Shutterstock)

Canada lynx (Photo by Shutterstock)

This story was written by Kathryn Morse, as told by Danielle Horne. My work on the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) stewardship team in Nova Scotia means that I spend several months in the field every summer and fall, monitoring...

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Call of the wolf

Algonquin canoe trip in 2007. (Photo by Dawn Senyi)

Algonquin canoe trip in 2007. (Photo by Dawn Senyi)

“Did you hear that?” I asked my mother. We were lying on our backs on the rocks that sloped down toward one of Algonquin Park’s hundreds of interior lakes. It was warm for late summer, and the Perseids were putting on quite the...

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Get to know one of Canada’s rarest snakes

Desert nightsnake (Photo by W. Mason CC BY-NC)

Desert nightsnake (Photo by W. Mason CC BY-NC)

Working at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has taught me many things, including the fact that many people are infatuated with snakes. Whether people are afraid of them, invested in protecting their habitats or enjoy learning about what...

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Don’t trust lady’s-slippers (if you’re a bee)

This honeybee was tricked into pollinating this yellow lady’s-slipper. (Photo by Steven Anderson/NCC staff)

This honeybee was tricked into pollinating this yellow lady’s-slipper. (Photo by Steven Anderson/NCC staff)

Before I began working at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I spent six years studying the pollination of two species of lady’s-slipper orchids in Manitoba and the northern U.S. While I no longer spend all of my time thinking about...

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