
Cave diving in the Ottawa River, Canada

Dressed and ready to enter the water - note the yellow loggers on my right. (Photo by Cheryl Buzzacott)

Dressed and ready to enter the water - note the yellow loggers on my right. (Photo by Cheryl Buzzacott)

Before coming to Canada I contacted renowned Canadian cave diver David Sawatzky, whom I knew had mapped these caves in the 1990s before moving to Nova Scotia. David kindly sent me his detailed map and some background information, including that...

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Water: Symbol of freedom and happiness

Cottage in Finland (Photo by Pia Kaukoranta, NCC staff)

Cottage in Finland (Photo by Pia Kaukoranta, NCC staff)

Having grown up in Finland, "the land of a thousand lakes," water has a special place in my heart. It has come to symbolize freedom and happiness to me. My fondest memories involve water – swimming in a lake by a cottage with friends,...

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