
Success under pressure: Helping landowners succeed with stewardship in southwestern Ontario

Acadian flycatcher (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Acadian flycatcher (Photo by Bill Hubick)

The Carolinian ecoregion of Canada makes up one per cent of the country’s total land mass and is limited to southwestern Ontario. Many of the region’s 70 tree species — such as tuliptree, pawpaw and sycamore — are found...

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Digging into soil health

Left: new undies; right: official SCCC undies dug up at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum in Ottawa, ON (Photo by CNW Group/Soil Conservation Council of Canada)

Left: new undies; right: official SCCC undies dug up at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum in Ottawa, ON (Photo by CNW Group/Soil Conservation Council of Canada)

Across the country, people have been digging up buried underwear. In fact, they buried the underwear themselves to learn more about soil health as part of the Soil Your Undies campaign from the Soil Conservation Council of Canada. This backyard...

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A popular gathering for connectivity

"Organizations and Municipalities: indispensable partnerships for connecting territories" workshop participants (Photo by NCC)

I’m a science communications intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Quebec Region. Working out of the Montreal office, I promote our region’s science-related activities, especially connectivity. One of the...

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Sidney's paradise on the edge of the Moose Woods

Lucy Weston and her family (Photo courtesy of Lucy Weston)

Lucy Weston and her family (Photo courtesy of Lucy Weston)

To tell our story, you have to go back to November 1999 when I met Scott Lawrence, my life partner, on an idyllic beach on the Baja Peninsula, Mexico. I was hitchhiking with a girlfriend, bound for Costa Rica. Scott had motorcycled from Canada and...

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Where rivers and concrete meet the tall grass prairie

The Forks Prairie Garden, MB. (Photo by NCC)

The Forks Prairie Garden, MB. (Photo by NCC)

I am an urban dweller. Sounds like an ugly confession, but it’s really not. It’s a just a different way of experiencing my natural world on a daily basis. Although I spent many years growing up in rural Manitoba and I still spend...

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Former TLC lands are in good hands

Talking Mountain Ranch, BC (Photo courtesy TLC)

Talking Mountain Ranch, BC (Photo courtesy TLC)

Habitat conservation, simply put, is about protecting nature. But like most things worth doing, great conservation can be challenging and complex. In the fall of 2015, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) announced it had accepted...

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Pricing the priceless: How the economics of natural capital can help us all better value nature

Walking through Emma Young forest, ON (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Walking through Emma Young forest, ON (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Putting a price tag on nature is challenging. Some people don’t believe it can be done. Some people hate the idea of it. Most will have no idea what it means. But there are new and emerging approaches to help us put a price on the services...

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Conservation, the cowboy way

Waldron shareholders at the King Ranch (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Waldron shareholders at the King Ranch (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

I was raised within a ranching family. I grew up in southern Alberta, fixing fences in the summer heat and feeding livestock in the winter. I’ve been riding horses since I was three years old, was a member of my local 4-H club and I read the...

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Open your ears to conservation

Listening to bird songs, Warbler Alley, Brooms Brook, Codroy Valley, Newfoundland and Labrador (Photo by NCC)

Listening to bird songs, Warbler Alley, Brooms Brook, Codroy Valley, Newfoundland and Labrador (Photo by NCC)

There are many ways to be green. Whether you do so by recycling, minimizing your carbon footprint or cleaning up and restoring land, every day we can all discover more ways to help combat climate change. One way Canadians can do their part is...

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True North: A look at the NCC Magazine Winter 2017 issue

NCC Magazine Winter 2017

NCC Magazine Winter 2017

The winter 2017 edition of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Magazine — the cover adorned with a mother polar bear rambling toward the camera, with two cubs trailing behind — arrived in my mailbox on one of the...

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